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Developer II
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Everything posted by nicole

  1. After 1,332 days being a part of the APD, and 561 of those days spent as Deputy Chief, today is the day I have decided to step down. It has truly been such a rollercoaster. Grinding all the way from Deputy to Deputy Chief, I have learned so much and experienced things that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. The people I have met and the memories I have made will forever be cherished. This community truly is one of the greatest. While my love for the game has dwindled, my love for the people and the APD hasn't. You all, at some point, have made me smile, laugh, or want to rip my hair out. I hope that I was able to do the same for many of you during my tenure as Senior APD or Deputy Chief. I realize as well that I have fallen short at times—letting my anger get the best of me, saying things I didn’t mean, or abusing my power. For that, I am truly sorry. I hope all of you will remember the good times and not the bad! My grind to Deputy Chief was long and hard, and to be honest, by the time I had gotten it, I had run out of fuel, so to speak. I wanted to do so much but ended up not doing enough. If there’s one thing I did do, it was not rule with an iron fist. I truly gave chance after chance to people, helped people I didn’t like and who didn’t like me progress, stopped people from being demoted or removed, and gave people lesser punishments. I know that @ Rexo and the other members of the Senior APD leadership will continue to do great things and hopefully recover the severed tie between civilians and the APD. It has truly been a great time and experience. To the person who gets my spot: I hope you are able to do what I couldn't and take on the role of advocating for the overlooked and underappreciated. A special thank you to @ Winters and @ Mako for giving me the opportunity to serve as Senior APD and for allowing me to step into the role of Deputy Chief. Thank you everyone, love you all.
  2. ever wonder if your getting revived/epi'd or when you'll actually be revived?


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      Still missing a u 

    3. Toretto


      Nice now I'll know when I need to click respawn before I get revived. I hope this doesn't apply to civs reviving civs? Cause like the ole "I'll revive you" but I'm secretly lethal injecting is always a fun time

    4. ben-


      cant wait for this to get ported over to s3 in 5 years

  3. If you purchased a property that would've been restricted due to a nearby NPC, it will be restricted once again upon hotfix, meaning you will be able to access your trunk but will not be able to pay your house taxes, so start packing your bags. 🍻

    1. Legendary


      Is this for certain red zone houses or the house in kav that’s owned even tho it’s the dmv(i think it’s the dmv it could be something else)?

    2. nicole


      The redzones weren't affected; only the shops with an NPC that turned into a sign were, such as gas stations and stuff.

    3. stayclaxxy


      How does this affect lebrons legacy? 

  4. happy to have been the 2nd person officially reported with an IA 🍻


    1. Olsson


      Are you dumber than a bag of 🪨

  5. PSA to all APD: To be more aligned with the rewards and have a more reasonable time of progression, the APD will be increasing the time in grade requirement for FTO from 30 days to 60 days. However, exceptions can still be made by the Chief of Police. @APD Officer@Senior APD Member

    Effective immediately.

  6. cheers
  7. WHOrr9s.png

    1. Show previous comments  31 more
    2. nicole


      Parts of I-295 will be temporarily closed due to an auto race in October 2024. Closures will affect both directions to accommodate race activities, with specific times and detour routes in place. Drivers are advised to expect delays and plan alternate routes during these closures. Local agencies have provided detour information and live traffic updates to help navigate the disruptions. For further details and updates, local traffic advisories are the best source

    3. Civak


      Look at me

      I'm rainbolt now

    4. Millennium


      Goes from a supervised track to a highway shut down for an auto race?? 🤔

  8. pretty car



    1. Show previous comments  28 more
    2. buckie


      @ Jungle Boys  sorry to inform you because you are nose blind however 200 square miles new york city to jersey city smells like rotting garbage. worst place in america, not counting the literal sewage in the streets on the other side of the country. 

    3. Jungle Boys

      Jungle Boys

      @ buckie  I agree jersey city is a shithole same with NYC. But if u came here to brielle you opinion would be alot different.

    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I like that particular model Tesla. However, I love my Z. I love hearing V6’s and V8’s so a Tesla wouldn’t be my main vehicle. 

  9. workd
  10. i buy xian 110 mil CASH SENT FAST!@!@@!!!

    1. LilPeppaSpray



    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    3. Skys


      zion for sale?

  11. i heard aegis gave up gang base on purpose... something about ending a streak to avoid nerfs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. proud


      we are glm v2, we do not associate with aegis.

    3. Hurricane
    4. billdroid


      @ Hurricane has his own gravitational pull

      (u owe me 2m)

  12. frankly this is so true
  13. 🤧


    1. Benne


      Youve been blessed

    2. katheeri
    3. hawkg


      teamspeak off the Appstore screams addiction 

  14. republican on republican violence
  15. Like it covers it?
  16. Added: Evidence Locker Database Items seized by the APD will now be stored in a database until 2 AM EST Upon completion of the Evidence Locker Escort event items seized throughout the day will be placed in the evidence locker truck Blacklisted items (mainly Blackwater obtained items) still remain blacklisted and still have a 15 percent chance of being added to the evidence locker database The Evidence Locker database will be viewable on the Olympus Stats page Property Lockdown Kit Players are now able to lockdown their properties upon the completion of a 10 minute timer for the duration of a restart All group members of the person locking down their property will have a timer on their screen and will be notified of the completion or failure of the lockdown kit Upon starting the property lockdown kit a terminal will spawn outside of the property allowing the APD to defuse the property lockdown kit after completing a 30 second animation APD will not be notified of the property lockdown kit being used other than being able to see the terminal outside of the property Actions following the completion of the 10 minute timer All doors will be unlocked and opened and can no longer be controlled by all players The inventory will become inaccessible by all players Can only be used on houses and garages Price: 2 million only purchasable at rebel outposts MH-9 Hummingbird (Flare) Civilians will now be able to obtain a flare version of the Hummingbird Spawns in weekend vehicle airdrops and normal vehicle airdrops 60 flares Illegal Claimable Scrap Value: 20400 Gang XP Cartel Flag Refills Will be able to refill magazines directly from the cartel flag for $5000/$3000 (1/2 tokens) .50BW and PrometSG Shotgun magazines do not refill House Storing QOL Players can now store or take items even if they request more than they have for example entering 40 when only 20 gold bars are available will store or retrieve the 20 gold bars Stamina Effects Display Spray I'm with Stupid Changed APD members can now send to jail within the area of an HQ instead of a radius to the flag marker Qilin (Light) from Corporal to Patrol Officer+ Only usable for Federal Events (Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Evidence Locker Escort, Jail) Events on cooldown show the shield icon similar to not enough cops online Cooldown timers now display in MM:SS instead of seconds Ex: 630s -> 10:30m Horns are now distributed to Founder's Circle members automatically Group count is now displayed on the respawn screen Updated some Anti-Air status' Fixed: Players can now GPS jam Blackwater vehicles Getting forced to buy scopes you did not want in the weapon shop Firefighter gear in events Dead player bodies deleting on vehicle store Purchasing new items in rebel due to confirmation dialogue registering input on lower layers Prevent unsealing while processing Players exceeding max lottery tickets Quests breaking due to players storing vehicle Fix HEMTT (Device) displayed name Dead group member hexes not properly following the deceased player if they are in water Players with tasers in a Ghosthawk gun being able to tase Dead players not being able to be revived because the server believes they are already being revived Script error on storing vehicle post-restart Items generated through gear related events no longer spawn attachments (Bipod, IR laser, etc. allows for more Client Mod Weapons) Player already being revived not allowing medics to revive players Removed: Nothing Hotfix #1 Fixed claiming vehicles Fixed Tempest/HEMTT (Device) running out of gas giving %1 instead of vehicle name Lots of potential fixes for server performance issues introduced in the latest update (O2407) Gathering Displays a progress bar per gather Optimized gathering script performance HUD Makes it so you can disable "priority item hud" Cop lethal display removed Cop lethal will now show where "On Duty" was Fix issue with redgull timer always appearing on login Timer will hide when no timer active Move priority item hud next to inventory count When gathering priority item will automatically switch to item gathered and the count Optimization of backend scripts
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