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Everything posted by AbraKadabra

  1. So somehow my IP is linked with another player on the server and every time he gets banned so do I. I keep putting in the proper ban appeal but I'm sick of having to appeal a ban that's not even for me. Is there anyway I can go about fixing this? Currently banned and who knows when I can play again. sick of waiting for admins to unban me
  2. I donate you a asp1, you put it on market place
  3. Now what if you see both member and notice they have the same tags can you kill X two first since you are at war with X one? Nvm I’m an idiot and didn’t read that all
  4. You have a counter
  5. 7 mil
  6. 7mil offroad
  7. No where in the rules does it even say "Crossfire is fine" most people just get a reduce because the admins are nice people and understand. Crossfire or not, killing someone in restraints is against the rules and you can be banned for it at the discretion of the admins.
  8. Takes your girl out..... only spends $9 on her
  9. Chop prices/Claim vechile prices?
  10. Did anyone contact you about getting comp on this? is it all servers or just 3?
  11. yeah and people have been selling and we own. all day and night not a dime received. its in the tracker aswell. but didn't know if it was possible to receive comp
  12. how does one prove cartels are broken AF? not receiving any drug money. will admins comp for this?
  13. Get rid of Lethals @ Fed events
  14. Less reward more risk
  15. BW in general is just so much harder, they can litterly just run right threw the walls and lethal you from 300meters out on a hill with a bunker!
  16. -Warpoints for killing cops -Hq takeover (In progress) - longer respawn time end of conversation
  17. Considering I've been comped for this situation?? +1 Time Jacob
  18. COACH, Put me in
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