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Everything posted by Montez

  1. Imagine taking down a post that doesn't make you look good lmao 

  2. @Strae fuck you weeb, happy birfday

  3. just a bunch of shitters, especially that @Antrhony- LoSt mY dAd HELp guy
  4. yeah it will, you especially need to work on dropping on kids. it'll help you alot irl
  5. Montez


    imagine o7'ing, cya retard <3
  6. Montez


    just report them or ask for comp. no reason to complain on the forums
  7. this sounds like a really good way to run over your neighbor's kid.
  8. last time i fought an .exe member i had like 90 hours. but
  9. you just fucking suck big time wiener, you hit that one PO like twice. please use your last remaining braincells before you make a post like this again
  10. we just really don't like @Rossco
  11. mine was supposed to be low quality, IdIoT love you monster <3
  12. how dare you steal my picture
  13. happy birth day @Hurricane





    get LT already, idiot :Kappa:

  14. 2a134e18f9b5b0b402af773d58a1496c.jpg

    1. Lukeee
    2. indian


      56 minutes ago, Lukeee said:


      Hmm I wonder what Kyle’s ign is

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