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Texture Designer
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Status Replies posted by maxg

  1. I'm playing in the World Series of Poker Event #2: The Reunion. If I place top 10 I'll donate $1,000 to Olympus. If I win outright, I'll donate $10,000. Tournament is October 1st-October 6th. Smooches 😘

  2. I stopped an officer at the gas station. I asked him if the boys in blue wanted detailing on their patrol cars. He liked my prices, so he's gonna tell everyone at the station. It looks like 90% of my details are going to be state and commercial instead of individuals lmao.

  3. Less than 24 hours after Undercover gets added:


  4. yall should do sahrani s3 today cuz idk how yall missed it yesterday for fucking tanoa

  5. disable hackers

  6. Update on @ Noodles:D . His surgery was an absolute disaster. He now has a half inverted dick. He is unable to pee or ejaculate. Due to the lack of having a functioning dick, his gay sex life has been very depressing. Taking it up the ass everyday is becoming painful for him.

  7. @ Revy  Roast me next! Roast me next!

  8. This kid sits on forums all day an in discord all day an has been permed 6 months ur life is a lie (he’s ban evading again prolly)

  9. Please remember to check in on friends and family! As science advances we are learning more and more about mental health and its super important to check in. A lot of people are really good at hiding what they are really going through and sometimes just having a friend goes a long way! Happy fathers day! 🙂

  10. Ok so me got a message from non other then lime the man himself saying I need to add a profile picture or I'm getting fired so does anyone fuck with the pfp 

  11. can any staff member come speak in ts before this conquets starts please? been false permed for a few days now

  12. tfw you've accidently been running Arma at 200% sampling for a week straight and just now realizing 🙃

  13. 50a9991c61315146ef74bf837e33388b.png

    Give my main man @YakGodSGT already

  14. @Mike Lit's stupid ass facedid you change your birthday? I swear it was last month.

  15. Anyone play Pummel Party?

  16. Was only a matter of time before the drip got you to the major leagues. 'Grats @maxg

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