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Everything posted by Bocaj

  1. @DashTonic
  2. What other rules can you break because it's okay, you're not doing anything wrong?
  3. Thanks for letting me in before you leave man :'( I'll always remember you! @Mike Pence

  4. Congrats @Bloomey! You can finally join the R&R

    1. Bloomey


      i already was R&R lol 

    2. Bocaj


      You underage delinquent 

    3. Bloomey
  5. I use an onscreen keyboard and use my mouse to click the keys I want to press
  6. Happy Birthday @Scribble! May our medical adventures be forever remembered

    1. drama


      He didn’t die bocaj

    2. Bocaj


      You don't know that

  7. https://gyazo.com/75ef2b907b14bc5fc4bd55a95ca886d3
  8. Maybe a little
  9. Congrats on mod man @draMa

    1. drama


      Appreciate it bocaj:) 

    2. Bocaj


      No problem man :happygary:

  10. Maybe a little late again but congrats on mod @Scribble

  11. Twas a joke since there was someone named tree on the forums
  12. You should @Tree next time and not talk behind their back @MAV
  13. This escalate quickly
  14. Shout out to @Eggman for being the only G to help a brotha out with his chair goals

  15. Does everyone here fucking live in Huntsville? Who tf hasn't?
  16. Basically*
  17. Because this makes it more complicated. Also we at the top of the topics listing on the main page
  18. We still broke asf GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/bocaj-needs-a-chair Last Post:
  19. o7 @Google I will always remember your EMT days

  20. Who's triggered exactly?
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