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Everything posted by Warfare

  1. Waiting to see if Mcdili wants to do the bltn podcast tonight. Ladies and Gentleman we might be a go!

  2. Got 2 overlays made for the podcast. Going to see which we want to run with and maybe do a test cast tonight?

  3. I'll be in contact with you bud. Would love to know how you are doing and so would everyone else.
  4. Who's good at graphics and can make something for the bltn podcast?

  5. We will be streaming the BLTN podcast as well as uploading it on Youtube. You can follow the stream now http://twitch.tv/bltnpodcast

    1. Papamunski


      did i miss it? lol

    2. Warfare


      Some people were wondering where we were going to do it and this was just an update for it. Deciding if we are doing it tonight or not.

  6. I'm thinking we will go with boobs for the main topic.
  7. Now that the podcast is the official community team cast all posts should be redirected to this thread
  8. There is 3 usable garages if im not mistaken. Toe Knee owns 1, Virus owns 1, and the last is unknown.
  9. Alright let me clean then I'll stream. Thinking CSGO then some Arma

  10. My guess is you were either wrongfully banned or you don't remember being under that name and did something bad before.
  11. Just haven't been caught yet tisk tisk
  12. To try and get more cop hours then I have on civ.....hmmmm. survey says?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dustin87
    3. PO Box

      PO Box

      Agreed. Stream or don't try it

    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Bruh. I've only been with the department for a month and some change. Here are my numbers.

      Civ: 4054 minutes

      Cop; 7108 minutes

      I can't wait to get back and put more on the books. To me, cop is way more fun than civ.

  13. Best of luck, I'm pretty sure virus purchased all of the 4 craters and my gang bought a good chunk of the 3 crates.
  14. Good to hear you are doing a bit better Hades. Best of luck getting back to 150%!
  15. An Olympus podcast will be coming your way soon. Just seeing if we want to be affiliated with Olympus and what that would entitle.

  16. Seriously thinking about starting an Olympus podcast. Would be a weekly stream regarding olympus news, updates, funny stories, and so forth.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. DeathDingo


      You would be great at this Warfare!!

    3. Dustin87


      I havent seen community team do anything..... So ya this would be cool warfare!

    4. PO Box

      PO Box

      Warfare I'll be your Seth Rogen and you can be my James Franco lol

  17. Make sure you bind the correct custom keys. I also noticed I couldn't use a key combo so like CTRL+7. I also don't think you can use the numbers because of the animations. I would suggest binding earplugs to INS (near home, pg up, pg dn, etc.) and use C for redgulls.
  18. Medics should be able to be charged and sent to jail. They need to stop making them the gods of the server and more so a regular citizen.
  19. Patrol Officer Warfare coming to a cop channel near you.

    1. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      What happened to being corporal?

    2. Dustin87


      im sorry i have to say it.... RIP!

  20. If you are a vigi you are only allowed to down/restrain a player if they are wanted for 75k or more as it says in the vig rules. In regards to a cop taking away a bounty from you they are only allowed to do that if you are abusing your vigi license or the player is wanted for less then 75k. If you catch the guy (down & restrained him) he is yours to put in jail and the officer should not interfere.
  21. If you want to record you can possibly use shadowplay if your pc meets it's requirements. You can however use OBS as well and it offers the same features shadowplay has but you can also stream using OBS. In order to stream I usually recommend people to have around a 5mbps upload so you can stream in 720p. Let me know if you need any help or have any other questions/concerns.
  22. Think I'll be streaming some cop action today once some peeps get on.

    1. Deathtripper


      Eating doughnuts you mean? :P

  23. Sounds like a huge giant ass rumor
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