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About Stix

  • Birthday 10/27/1997

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Stix

    Heya (:

  2. shhh...
  3. Arma 4
  4. Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): @Fedot Fedot is the king of rule breaking
  5. +1 for M2A4 Slammer Up
  6. look at this might help.
  7. Wish i did not live in the states this next 4 years
  8. and 1 potato home grown for TPF
  9. yoke and throttle is in a plane not helicopters. It is cyclic and collective
  10. People are just going to dupe mar-10 and dms all day
  11. -1 for for everything but the idea of blackwater
  12. So whos ghosthawk did i sucide vest today?

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