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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. While yes it could include runs but could be robbbing/scatting or messing with cops.
  2. Like people who want to hang out with a large group of friends in one gang but they can’t all be active at the same time
  3. Interesting idea on the gang caps. It would be very good to discuss the downsides to it though
  4. Ik but for real yes please open the server
  5. Can there be a “yes I’m in bw and just want to play on the server I have fun on and all my houses/ shed is on”? /s
  6. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/76561198299285856/#sort=order
  7. How to get to 1000 posts in 1000 easy steps
  8. Someone already won like 8 hours ago at 2-3 am
  9. Bump
  10. Just leave the page open and set a 57 minutes timer and every time you hear it go off ,comment
  11. F
  12. Howdy partner
  13. Mk-18 is just plain better except for recoil
  14. They look sick
  15. Make a hot rod IFrit with flames on the side
  16. @xDRO big congrats, bw has      re-infiltrated staff

  17. Let’s do a custom map of Altis with a guns mod and have factions but they’re called gangs
  18. Any ball park on the time of the purge?
  19. Rip
  20. A car and laptop
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