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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. S3 1 crater down on the dp closest to moonshine
  2. Hummingbird is on civ cops sometimes don’t need to follow that due to tactical advantage and admins do tickets not watch
  3. Sarcasm? Some people crash 3 or 4 times. Driving as fast as possible on the curvy road is much harder than going 200 meters up then hold shift + w
  4. Why the m900 removal
  5. Send me playlists

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Savage


      @Lethal i put every good song I come across I don't search for them but yea it needs to be longer

    3. codeYeTi



      Enjoy the journey. 854 songs :). Pretty much every genre except maybe the heavier shit (Sorry @Strikke), and maybe a little light in the country department.

    4. drama
  6. No
  7. Scared me
  8. A half eaten donut
  9. You gotta try some stuff before getting a new cpu. I play Olympus with a pentium g4560 which is a dual core 4 threads He doesn’t have an unlocked cpu
  10. I play on a potato. Evga 1050 ti and pentium g4560 (dual core hyperthreading) 8 gigs of ram
  11. Anyone have any recommendations on improving FPS because I’m getting tired of my 20-60 with stutters below those numbers. I know I should just upgrade and am working on that but can’t afford it rn so looking for Ingame fixes or software add ons
  12. What did you do to get this big punishment
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