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Everything posted by Tyronee

  1. God bless him

  2. bonne fête @ hawk

    1. hawk


      Merci beaucoup monsieur

  3. Well you did ok
  4. The shed served the Great Tree's purpose well
  5. just raid the house with all the rpd/zafir gear shit and problem solved
  6. Adding Captain rank back then was dumb
  7. Congrats @ Dr.Dream

    took you long enough


  8. some good drama
  9. When ever gta 6 comes out i'd say its gg
  10. You win some you lose some


    1. Tommy12


      Pug angry issues go crasy 

  11. wtf is this https://gyazo.com/565d4d0f5da7228d3ab08fd6f83947b0
  12. Happy birthday good sir @ YakGod

  13. Fascinating
  14. happy b-day you monkey @ Caden

  15. Never said it in TS so... congrats on FTO @ Dr.Dream

  16. This is big guys "Picking animation for Undercover APD Officers"
  17. I don't play much but you my good sir will be truly missed @ CocoisDead

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