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Everything posted by Drippp

  1. Drippp


    Wtf is that Love you buddy, I’ll still be on steam briefly during the week. I’m permed from oly ts but you are welcome in the plague ts to chat. Our business isn’t finished, I will be back in a couple months if this server is still alive, just be ready. Also fix what you did to my rep
  2. Drippp


    Well, I think my time here has come to an end now. Life is picking up and I don’t have the time I used to have for this game anymore, not to mention the only thing to do on the server is fight cops which is boring as fuck. So maybe if things pick up again or I get the free time I used to have, I may come back. But for now I’m just gonna keep being toxic on the forums. @ChrisGG lick my fucking taint you loser, you fucking suck kid and you have an ego over an internet rank. Your only accomplishment will be that and being an internet janitor. Your life is a joke @Hurricane fuck you, you fat piece of shit you look like Bobby hill, drop me ur location and I’ll beat the fuck out of you with a book you little Retard @destruct You ain’t that bad of a guy,i don’t actually hate you but fuck you not gonna mention everyone I fuck with but you know who you are. S/O my plague boys for keeping it a g, stay gorilla. Later skaters
  3. Once again not a single person asked or cares so
  4. Okay why am i back on reaction restrictions @destruct

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Drippp


      I’ve had it for like 2-3 weeks but it went away for a couple days and then came back unless I’m just cooked

    3. Masonn


      Fuck this destruct tears omfg IL fuck you retard nig

    4. Elements


      i think destructs feelings got hurt by a arrow on a monitor

  5. Technically he got banned in the dune wave soooo
  6. Happy birthday love @cHROME., never forget where you came from jS rattä 

    1. cHROME.


      tack så mycket drip, min kära vän! jS forevah

  7. @destruct change my rep back

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vedalkenn
    3. Drippp


      you cant cheat and use  ur admin powers to remove my likes because u r losing a downvote war. play fair you square

    4. destruct


      How I see it is I won the downvote war, each one of my downvotes is just worth 600 downvotes

  8. @destruct buckie told me what you said, threatening to send my email spam might not be the best option there bud, you will not like the outcome. Admit that I am the alpha and I will stop the downvotes 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Creepy
    3. Skorch


      email bombing service anyone?

    4. Drippp


      @destruct I will be sending much worse things your way if you do so

    1. Drippp


      someone fix that gyazo pls


    2. ItsGG


      whats the story 

    3. Drippp


      I teamkilled him in tarkov cause he was being aids so he hit me off☹️

  9. Free up @Jerrod the poor lad is going crazy and it’s maybe been a week since he was banned

  10. Wow, I am so grateful to be able to post on my favorite website again. Almost didn’t survive

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jerrod


      BILLMIESTER SPEAKIN STRAIGHT FAX! Image result for homer simpson 3d meme

    3. billdroid


      @Jerrod stfu kid, pay attention to your math teacher. jesus

    4. Jerrod


      I was just released from the District of Colombia penitentiary for 9 counts of reckless endangerment, 1 count of illegal whale blubber export, cow balls and horse radish

  11. Okay well I hope everyone is ready for my return, plague been so lost without me smh

    1. Masonn


      Leader Dripppppppppppp

  12. YEA 💯 MY DICK 😎🍆 LONG 🙀😼💁🏻BUT 😛🍑 YOU KNOW 🤔👀 WHATS EVEN 😩😏🙈LONGER??? 😈😱😰 MY YEA BOYYYYYYYYYY 🗣👦🏻😂👌😜 boi😂😂😂this COCKTOBER🍆😍😝 my costume gonna be this DICK😛🍌😱😱n it's gonna be entering yo house 🏠 DOGGY STYLE🐕🐩😩👌🏽👈🏽 It’s almost COCKtober 🍆🎃 u know what that means 👀👅 Dick sucking awareness month 😯🙆🏼👅send this to 12 of ur closet hoes 👭😈 that love that dick 🍆🍆🍆💦💦💦

    🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃 🎃🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃

    🎃 🎃🎃 🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃

    🎃 🎃🎃 🎃🎃 🎃🎃 🎃

    🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃🎃🎃🎃 🎃  🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 🎃 THOT-O-WEEN 🎃is upon us !! If you get this message ✉️ you are queen👸🏿 of the thots!!! Forward this to 7⃣ of the 🍆ThOtTiEsT🍆 thots 💁🏿 that you know will get some 👉🏿👌🏿 soon !!! If you donn’t, be prepared 🙍🏿 for 6⃣9⃣ days of bad luck ⚠️ 🍀

  13. Depends how useless the staff member is. If you were banned by @ChrisGG, good luck cause that guy is dumb as a box of rocks. just realized this was for comp requests... statement still stands tho
  14. dude that’s so funny hahaha not it isnt nigga
    Shut the fuxk up

  15. America needs a vibe check

  16. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mod dripppington is back after his 2 week forum vacation


    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. destruct


      @Drippp Good luck brah you won't be able to move after 2 fridges, 3 mini fridges and a freezer.

      @vedalkenn Picking up a brick requires fingers though?

    3. vedalkenn


      @destruct then I'll kick my shoes off at you like I had a bad day, those are some fearsome kicks buddy. 

    4. destruct


      @vedalkenn ok bet, I'll wear a cup and hope you don't aim for the face

  17. oh my goshies guys plague ddoses it’s own members!!!!

    1. Jester


      No way man omg

    2. Vcx


      Damn its like TP was saying the same thing what a coincidence 

    3. Elements


      the same person was in both gangs, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  18. Selling AT off-road 7 mill.

  19. I have 1000 warpoints and an AT
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