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Everything posted by destruct

  1. Okay... Let me clarify - if you're just blowing up an event vehicle to blow up an event vehicle, with no one around then that's RVD. If there's someone inside it or whathaveyou, then you can blow it up no problem, provided that you are engaged, etc. Of course you can't blow up an APD escort truck or use explosives in the gang base skirmish, unless you want a ban. Are you saying that you'd want it so that you can't even blow up vehicles like the pharma truck, gold truck, etc?
  2. PSA: Here's a quick explainer on the new update and how they affect certain rules: AAN Broadcasts: Since you have to hike all the way to Kavala and pay 250k to broadcast a message to the server, it makes sense that those messages could contain situational information. This is not the same as a player abruptly posting that information in side chat. APD Warrants Engagement: Engagement for APD Warrants works similar to how stealing/lockpicking a vehicle works without any prior engagement, in a vehicle theft scenario, a person can lockpick a vehicle and not be allowed to shoot the owner of the vehicle solely from lockpicking the vehicle, however, the owner of the vehicle is allowed to shoot (i.e. engaged to) the person lockpicking their vehicle, it's a one-way engagement. This is similar to APD Warrants: people that currently have a warrant on them are allowed to shoot the APD on-sight, however, the APD have to engage the person with a warrant on them via standard engagement rules. This does not mean that people with the same tags and that are nearby to the person with an active warrant have a one-way engagement with the cops. The person with an active warrant needs to have engaged the APD with standard engagement rules in order for tagged nearby mates to be able to shoot at the APD, this could mean shooting at the police, etc. Probable Cause: I've spoken to Winters, and I don't think this will get an APD Handbook update, but, due to the active warrant zone being so ridiculously huge, the zone itself cannot be used for probable cause, for example, in order to re-enter red zones before 15 minutes, etc. However, it does give probable cause to enter warzone when it is extremely probable (via where the zone lands) that the person with an active warrant is currently in the warzone. Combat Logging: Leaving the server whilst having an active warrant on your person is not considered combat logging, we are not trying to keep people hostage to the server for 30 minutes time, that's ridiculous. Chapter 1: No Random Death Match [RDM] 1. Killing or tazing another player without any role-play will result in administrative action. 1. If you have been fired at, returning fire is permitted. 2. If someone commits a direct hostile action to you, you may kill them. 3. Example: Lockpicking/stealing your vehicle, rotor tapping, bolt cutting, active APD warrants, APD house raids/searches, shooting you with a flare gun, attempting to escort hostages 4. Example: Being armed/pointing a gun in your general direction and/or verbally insulting are NOT considered hostile actions, neither is ramming/running over someone whether or not you believe it is intentional. Chapter 17: Meta-Gaming 5. Do not post situational information about other players in side/gang chat. 1. Exception: AAN news broadcasts can contain situational information.
  3. The only answer to this is that it depends on how it's implemented. If you're creative and come up with something that makes sense, so be it. I bet a large majority are open to it (even some of those that voted no), just depends on how it works.
  4. @ Ryan @ Grandma Gary @ David Miller @ destruct

    Have a new profile song! Sung by your boy @ Xlax

    Please spread the good word!


  5. Everybody sleepin', guess I'll start.

    Congratulations @ notsodank on Admin!

  6. or 10/11/2022 for you EU folks Chapter 24: Event Specific Rules 5. Gang Base Skirmish 5. A gang's fighting force (including non-members) may not exceed 10 players.
  7. Fuck you and happy birthday @ Millennium

  8. It used to be like that up until staff decided that setting it to 1 was terrible for the server because rather than buy "10" redgulls, people would click the button 10 times since the default was 1. Edit: The issue that caused lag when clicking the button 10 times was fixed
  9. Chapter 11: New Life Rule 1. If you die for any reason apart from dying by a Arma bug you may not return to that area for 15 minutes. (1 Kilometer from where you died) 1. Exception: When killed on the Warzone Island or at any cartel NLR will not apply. 2. Exception: When lethaled by cops at Rebel Outposts, APD Escorts or Gang Base, NLR does NOT apply. 3. Exception: Players who have the sole intention of immediately returning to Warzone after a death in or around Theresa (within 1 kilometer of Theresa) may respawn in Therisa and head back to Warzone, provided their actions within or around Theresa are limited to going to the garage, spawning a vehicle and driving to Warzone.
  10. I'll get one when they support AMD CPUs
  11. Chapter 19: Miscellaneous 14. Bypassing the house limits of 5 houses per player via the use of multiple accounts will result in administrative action. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/Altis_Life_Rules#Chapter_19:_Miscellaneous Important Note: We are going to be limiting the amount of houses a player can own to 5 houses. This means that if a player owns over 5 houses (total) via the use of multiple accounts (5 houses total over two different accounts is fine), then we (olympus staff) will conduct administrative action to rectify the issue. Players in breach of this new rule on or after September 4th, 2022 will be subject to administrative action. Thank you!
  12. uuuuuuuh that's not a rule change needed, that's a report (with proof) needed to be sent in
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