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Everything posted by goooooon

  1. https://streamable.com/lzt6c9 just be like this kid, second year in college at 15 from Uganda studying some crazy shit
  2. I remember when you used to put almost 100 hours a week into this server somehow, I see you've slimmed down congrats girl!
  3. Ive got some 22k per tho, also KNOWN SCAMMER SCAMMED LUKIE FOR 2 DMS AND 1 MAR10 @ lukie
  4. goooooon

    Selling tasers

    Known scammer, scammed @ lukie outta 3mar10s and a zafir
  5. known scammer, scammed @ lukie for a ghawk and mar10
  6. @ Fraali job is done which was to ban mat 

  7. Can s1 not hold 120ppl now? Keeps crashing 

  8. @olystaff 


    1. syndrome


      facts free up @ mat the w he aint do nothin

  9. buying wps bw shit
  10. everytime I log, it puts me in a old gang how do I fix lmao 

    1. Millennium


      It may have to do with the way you log out. Could be that it doesn't sync properly if u just alt f4'ing or something.

      Idk the actual answer that is just my first thought.

    2. NokiaStrong


      its broke for me too, joined after server restart. Fought cap for like an hour and alt f4 on death screen. back in gang that I left.


    3. Fraali


      Pretty sure we fixed this, try again and let us know if its still fucked. Was an issue with database and some shit that people didn't test properly before pushing to live.

  11. any pc geeks willing to type rq, I recently got a new pc and the audio is echoing. Ive looked up videos etc and cant seem to find the one. This is what it sounds like 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Lucien


      Disable/Enable/Reinstall audio driver maybe

    3. Millennium


      also make sure you don't have surround sound enabled that may cause it a little bit however I haven't seen it this bad.

    4. Heritage


      This is an issue that commonly hits USB headsets. It's related to the audio chipset drives for your mobo. By default in Windows 8+, Windows uses UpnP to install temporary audio drives if you don't install them manually. 


      You'll need to find your mobo specs and figure out the correct audio driver software and then once that's done (if it's on board audio it'll almost always be RealTek Audio) you may need to adjust your equalizer settings to your liking. 


      Source: Senior IT Project Manager IRL

  12. first time back on this game in 4 months... I spawn into athira, i drive to rebel load my kit. AS I FINISHED LOADING MY KIT. some 30year old with a baby crying in the background comes up and tases me. reads my charges as the fucking kid is crying man what has this shit come to 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jerrod


      Take the L, Lil Homie.

    3. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      When he gets tased IRL and charged with child neglect 

    4. Rafa


      That’s the next generation of Olympus players you heard in his mic 

  13. bring back uncapped player vs player bets bro

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      who does runs when you can do casino 

    3. Ryne


      I mean cap should be at highest amount you can bet in casino, not gonna lie...

    4. 777


      fr 10m bets should be good

  14. goooooon

    WTB Tasers

    known fucking scammer, fucking scammed me out of a mar-10 taser, dms, and a zaf. Also scammed @ lukie and @ Penguiny out of a few million worth of bw gear
  15. scammed @ lukie and @ Penguiny for 15m worth of bw gear last week be aware
  16. First time back on these forums in a month and 2 retards have admin

    1. goooooon
    2. Clashingtin
    3. Rafa


      You ought to know by this point that being retarded and being an admin aren’t mutually exclusive. I am living proof 


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