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APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Strae

  1. Servers have been updated for the 1.98 hotfix. You will need to restart/update your game before being able to connect. According to Bohemia the vehicle desync shouldn't be as bad now.


  2. Actual picture of @Brolaf

    Warning Graphic Content!


  3.  thank god some one had the balls to ban him, months of obvious cheats. ohh to let you guys know Olympus was not the server that ban him.

  4. anyone think it's crazy @Main sucks up all of his higher ups and then talks shit behind their back

  5. Tarkov anyone? Have 12 mill to go thru 

  6. What's on your mind?

  7. What's on your mind?

  8. https://prnt.sc/reekfu

    Yikes @Kedar stream sniping Macie Jay

  9. "Are you sure you want to request a medic?" option to cops

  10. https://prnt.sc/reekfu

    Yikes @Kedar stream sniping Macie Jay

  11. i would like to thank olympus you guys got me addicted to gambling i put 75 on this shit 


  12. Any tips for a beginner on EFT. 

  13. Why do I have to redownload the mission file everytime I log into S1?

  14. Anybody know that one dude that was always really intense and there was that one clip where he went "7.62 ON THE ROCKS/ROOFTOP"

  15. video games are boring help i wanna have fun again

  16. What the fuck is this shit game

    stuck in an orca in restraints about to get a fucking seizure


  17. Bringing back this old gem. Limited stock.


    If you're interested in pre-ordering drop a like on this status update! First 10 likes get one free!

  18. Yooo first test of the semester in half an hour fuck me

  19. British niggas be having a shag like “ mm yes splendid indeed scrumptious carry on I’m about to arrive”

  20. how do i fix error code 6 on mw

  21. Does anyone know websites where I can read college textbooks without purchasing them?

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