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Jimmy Netz

APD Officer
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Status Replies posted by Jimmy Netz

  1. Can someone update me on what gangs do feds/BW's nowadays ty


    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      The cop stack wont allow a fed or bw at the moment

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  2. congrats @jimjim1415

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Thanks and a bigger congrats to you sergeant! 

  3. Congrats @jimjim1415, dont have an affair with the new cheifs wife ;) @ikiled


    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      No promises and thanks Millennium you also happened to be my first corporal arrest too.. Muahahahaha!

  4. @jimjim1415 Always love RPing with you bud, you never fail to deliver. You'll be a great corporal, congratulations.

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Same to you always a blast and thanks again destruct!

  5. Congrats @jimjim1415!

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Woot!  Doesn't mean I still don't want to blow you your helis though

  6. Congrats @jimjim1415! Well deserved

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Much love thanks Jester!

  7. Grats Jimmy @jimjim1415

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Thanks Grego so its my turn to kill you?! :p

  8. @jimjim1415 Congrats man, well deserved.  Battled back.

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      And the same to you sergeant!

  9. Whelp steam summer sale is almost over. Might as well do a lil give away. Free copy of gang beasts for the person that can guess the number im thinking of between 1 - 1mil. I messaged @falcon the number so there wont be any cheating. GL boys

  10. 1300+ warpoints left for sale hmu

    1. Jimmy Netz

      Jimmy Netz

      Looking for RPG ammo.

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