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Everything posted by Lucki

  1. And then I proceeded to blacklist from APD for hopping into the APD channels and screaming about how it was bullshit... Never thought I'd let him back on the force, until he finally convinced me to give him one more shot after like 6 months... haha
  2. Hi guys, I don't come around as often, but I still do fondly hold my memories from Olympus. For those of you older guys (been here for over a year) you'll probably remember Sociopathic. Started off super annoying with most people in APD hating him, and then he really grew on people (not everyone, but many). Went from being a really shitty cop to being pretty decent. Was a fun guy to play not only Arma, but things like R6S, PUBG, etc. A year ago he moved on from this world. Doesn't feel like its been that long. Just felt kind of bummed about it today and wanted to share it with you all. In Tribute, here's a song from his favorite band (with a pretty bad-ass orchestral accompaniment):
  3. O7 Stuuuuuuuuuuuuuart
  4. @McDili @Corporal Moob
  5. There was nothing better than knowing a fed was about to start, piling 5 officers into the vault room, waiting for the door to swing open, and then yelling "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER"
  6. Go choke on a bag of herpes ridden dicks.
  7. To continue off my previous rant on how good you young people have it: 


  8. You know how I know I'm old... the entire APD Conference Room didn't know what Kazaa or Napster were...

    Back in my day if you wanted to listen to music for cheap / free you had to either get the CD from the library or illegally download it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bocaj


      I've seen and used napster before. It's been over 10 years but still lmao

    3. RogueMK


      Ah the good old days of Napster and limewire lol 

    4. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Nothing like booting up limewire to fill up my iPod with music while at the same time fucking my computer full of viruses.  

  9. O7 @RambleR One of my oldest Olympus buds! The bud with the buds! Loved playing with you, love your snaps, loved the nights of TS with you. Hope you'll still be around when I start coming back in a few weeks. A true OG, and one of the best SAPD. Don't stray too far!
  10. When we used to hold trainings it barely helped. Sure, people can learn callouts, but it only takes 1 or 2 feds to remember where gate 1 is and the numbering scheme for them. Two days after we trained one or two tactics, every gang on the server knew it and figured out a way to counter it. Any sort of tactic would fall apart because only a 3rd of the people actually knew it, a third was willing to try it, and then the last third was a bunch of idiots that thought they were Chris Kyle with Stings. Don't get me wrong, I agree that feds are often disorganized, but that is unfortunately going to be the case when you have such a large community with APD members that play more civ than they do cop. Feds in the old days used to be really well fought by APD. Even if only 5 cops were on, you still needed at least 8 or 10 people to stand a chance. But that was also when there were about 60-70 APD members, a majority of which were very active players. Now there are about 300 members, a good portion of which play the bare majority to maintain their APD status. APD once functioned as well as some of the top gangs, because they were small enough that everyone knew each other and how everyone fit in. You knew which cops were great at CQC, which ones could snipe from 500m away, which ones were the best pilots, etc.
  11. Because when you constantly interrupt, there's a much larger chance that something will be missed. And then you'll be the one bitching that an undertrained cop messed up your immersion and that apd sucks. Or the fact that if people keep interrupting, sr. apd will end up doing trainings less often, resulting in longer wait times. Why is it a big issue for you? Because people are trying to make the game just a bit more pleasant as a whole?
  12. Wedding planning, dealing with students that have senioritis, lots and lots of grading... No time for games
  13. People in this thread implying that most gangs don't already keep track of what every other gang does. I never cared for it, but when I was in MC, most members knew exactly what drugs every other gang did. As much as you want to think that its a secret, its not. Get caught once or twice doing a run and people begin to remember. Besides, a vast majority of the time robbing happens because someone is actively going through the entire map with a helicopter, looking for people to rob.
  14. Unfortunately, often times there is no one set reason that leads to suicide. I don't think its fair to speculate for his case, as there's a good chance we'll never know. It could have been something that was very recent, or it could have been something that he's been dealing with his whole life, or both. One thing that I'm sure of is that he's not the only person in this community that has had to deal with suicidal thoughts. It sucks to do alone, especially when there's shitheads who make jokes of the problems that people go through.
  15. Started off as a toxic member of the community. I ripped his APD tags once and blacklisted him with absolute joy. He came back a few months later and had a serious talk with me for a few hours. I gave him 1 chance, told him that anything he messes up is a reflection on me. He took it seriously and grew a lot in the community after that. Got corporal and occasionally was brought up as a Sgt. candidate. A lot of people gave him shit for the way he used to behave and never wanted to give him a second chance. I was glad that I did. Cool guy once you got to know him. Sure he could talk your ear off, but we all have our quirks. Really blows to find out I won't hear his voice in Teamspeak again. Rest in Peace.
  16. Inb4 a cop adds 50 x fed robbery charges to a gang mate...
  17. Wasn't sure when this day would come. Its been something I've been going back and forth on for a few months. Between being a first year teacher and getting married in a few months, I don't have the time to devote to being an effective OS member. When I do have time to play games, its for half an hour at a time, every few days, which is not optimal for an ARMA RP server. Its gotten to the point where I've been doing tickets for a game that I haven't played in a few weeks. Heck, some ban appeals don't get seen by me for 2 or 3 days, which isn't fair to the person that is banned. I won't be @ing anyone this time around. This isn't good-bye. I'll still be around to act like an idiot in game, when I have the time. Hopefully in June or July, I'll be back in game consistently. I love and enjoy what Olympus has, and I'll still be a part of the community. Its more likely that I'll be playing quick games like R6:Siege, PUBG, or just Kavala scatting (until I run out of money). Thank you all for making Olympus the great place it is.
  18. Jury duty complete. Of course I was the only dude on a jury of 12...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucki


      3 hours ago, DashTonic said:

      hate jury duty 

      It was surprisingly a fun experience. I would have much preferred it to be in the summer, and not in the middle of the school year. I was running out of sub plans and making shit up.

    3. DashTonic


      Alot of mine was drug possession had one that was a juvenile case 

    4. Luke Duke
  19. I haven't the faintest clue as to why this rule change was made... /sarcasm
  20. Many people forget that @McDili was an Admin while he was Chief of APD. A lot of people consider McDili's time as the golden age when APD really started to grow and evolve. He literally set the foundation for what APD is today. To counter that, before McDili, there is an example of an admin that was chief that IMO really stagnated APD and only promoted their own friends. That was not a good chief. There are way too many factors that go into it to boil it down to 2 categories - admin or non-admin. I personally, would not want to be a chief while in OS at the same time, but that is mainly due to time constraints. Having a full time job, planning a wedding, etc, would put too much stress on me, and I wouldn't be there as much as I would need to be. That was part of the reason I stepped down. With Rex on the other hand, he was made a dep. chief by GOAT, so a non-OS liked his opinions and skills. Rex also has a decent amount of free time, is respected by the SAPD, and like his predecessor, does a good job at listening to others and valuing their opinions. He's been around the block a few times and has been pretty instrumental to keeping SAPD sane by constantly coming up with ways to make everyone's life easier and the duties more enjoyable. I believe he will continue to make APD a solid faction and one of the things that keeps Olympus interesting and unique. Time can only tell how it will work out.
  21. So you're just trying to cause drama without anything constructive coming out of it. Thanks.
  22. So what you just said right there, indirectly, is that you believe that "the rat" did something that the senior administration deems favorable. The same senior administration that has been running a successful server. If the senior administration has been successful thus far, doesn't that mean that they are doing something right, and should continue with whatever route they have in mind? While I understand that you're upset about the situation, what about my post specifically did you not like or agree with?
  23. I would like to offer my own opinion and input into the latest situation. This is purely my perspective and does not reflect OS as a whole. Having been both a Deputy Chief - for a significant portion of time – and a mod for what will almost be the same amount of time, I hope my point of view is one that people can find to be helpful. I want to say that most people think of me as being fairly level-headed and unbiased, but that is for you to judge. My biggest qualm is reading the opinions of people who have not been on either side, Senior APD or OS. Your perspective of the server changes once you become Sr. APD, and it changes once again once you have been a long time LT, or are one of the lucky few to go above that. While the Sgt’s have quite a significant amount of power within the APD, they realistically have little input into changing how the APD operates. MANY ideas and changes are debated within only the chief and dep chiefs, with only a small fraction surviving through to be talked to with an additional few LT’s. The ideas that survive that are then brought up at Sr. APD meetings. The Sgt’s see only 10% of what goes on, and the LT’s see maybe 33%. The back room dealings that go on are absolutely ridiculous and more than you would ever anticipate from a video game. While I was a deputy chief before mod, I would be notified by GOAT about changes that would be occurring, changes that he shouldn’t have known about but were crucial for us to know beforehand so that we could try to figure out a compromise. This was not only true under GOAT’s reign. It happens, and at the end of the day it is unavoidable and part of the “politics” involved with running a server. Before I go on, I do want to say that GOAT has done MANY great things for APD. He’s been a thorn in the side of some OS members, but has been a great balance on many topics. He fought hard for APD to be the best, because he truly cared about it. But he’s also done some shady things when I was deputy chief. Once again, he is not the only one to have done this, by far. No matter how great someone is, everyone has a shady side. There were some things done by GOAT that I did not agree with, and in some cases I was able to convince him otherwise. Other times, I just went along with it because the net good outweighed the bad. When I became mod – something that GOAT had told me I should actively seek out since I mentioned interest in it – I had a better grasp of what exactly GOAT knew and didn’t know. Not ONCE did I feel pressured to give something up to GOAT and to use my mod powers / access to give APD an edge. The entire time he did have more information than he should have known in his position, but in the end it did benefit the APD and the server as a whole so I never made a big deal out of it. To those of you who have never experienced either side of APD or OS administration, I beg that you keep your inflammatory comments and accusations, and instead gain information in a constructive way. Last January when GOAT almost lost his Chief status, a majority of the APD had stepped down because they disagreed with the staff and what had happened. There was a several hour discussion / debate / argument that ensued. Shouldn’t the fact that not a SINGLE member has stepped down this time, and that it all happened in the span of an hour, be a signal to you? Yes, there are things that you are not privy to, both good and bad. I ask that you look at all sides, realize that every story has 3 sides (the accuser, the defender, and the truth) and figure out which side is closer to the truth. See which side has more supporters of the people that are in the know. All of the Senior APD loved GOAT. All of the Senior APD have remained.
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