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Everything posted by Coca

  1. Coca

    First Car

    2007 chevy malibu
  2. when you tryna keep them meme posts soft cus 1 hardass meme can get them tags *yoinked*
  3. lowkey thought there was in-game titles for consuming in-game drugs :shrug:

    Yayo Enthusiast


  4. b
  5. https://gyazo.com/484d6e50e6b73df25c3fa33519ea5a17 offer up
  6. https://gyazo.com/5cc43da3ba6d7a6056172312d626d995 - dp21 https://gyazo.com/9d5740af6f9a7723beb65f5c38ddd6fe - dp3 post offers
  7. https://gyazo.com/b281442dba941ff50f0da1311c4ed5b0 2 crater https://gyazo.com/4c11459fee08572ad799c026291a581c Rebel garage PM offers
  8. i mean not the worst idea ive heard about vigis being in warzone but definitely not the best
  9. if i dont know how they milk the almonds, i aint fucking with it
  10. merry christmas, hoes

  11. yikers
  12. touche
  13. cant really restrict how they play but can sure as hell purge them
  14. just hit me with a $5 steam code, needs me that daybreak cash
  15. once a cheater, always a cheater. right?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. |Casper|
    3. Page


      never cheated but okay

    4. DashTonic


      I cheated in a uno game I realized that shit went South

  16. *blushes*
  17. damn, chill the fuck out lol
  18. go outside, take a fresh breath of air. real life is better
  19. Coca


    i fucks with it
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