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Status Updates posted by Metal

  1. Shits been going since 7:30 last night 


  2. So it begins:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. rapidaax
    3. Dominick Ramos

      Dominick Ramos

      18 minutes ago, Metal said:

      gonna be 4K when this shit is built

      please dont game at 4k

    4. Hunter


      @Dominick Ramos shut up i pull 60 fps on my 1080 at 4k

  3. Little tip for them fellow COD nerds, turn off v-sync, trade smoothness for the input lag reduction

    1. Unjo


      No v sync good

    2. Metal


      but muh input lag

    3. MAV


      I mean, it also depends on your gpu... If you stutter due to graphics lag... That'll be worse then input lag

  4. New setup for MW, next stop is new computer!


  5. Someone more PC savvy then me explain the difference between the 2080 TI and the 2080 Super?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Another whole 2 stream processors/cores/whatever they're deciding to call them these days, which results in like a 25% increase in the # of vector execution lanes (CUDA cores in NVIDIA marketing speak).

      It's also got 3GB more memory, but that likely doesn't really matter to you. The faster memory on the 2080 super would be better for gaming workloads than the extra capacity on the 2080 Ti. That said, there are other workloads that definitely could utilize it, but if you're doing that you probably just want an HBM2 card like the titan or radeon vii anyways (but radeon vii is EoL... so unless you need it for passthrough...).

      Basically, it can do more math at once.

      There also may be some hardware difference in the "tensor core" stuff, but since I've only ever worked on the code for the open-source AMD drivers, I really don't know how that hardware is laid out, or how the machine code that runs on it even works.

    3. Revise


      The 2080 ti use’s gddr6 that is slightly faster then the super’s gddr6

    4. codeYeTi


      @Revise is actually right from a second look. So, there's a memory bandwidth bump as well.

  6. Not gonna lie, the new COD is actually pretty fun. The free beta is out on Battle.net launcher if any of you losers wanna check it out

  7. TFw you're sleeping all peacful and God decide's to wake your ass up by having lightning strike right next to your house, sounded like a fucking .50 cal

    1. Millennium


      like 2 weeks ago lightning struck right next to my house and melted the wiring for my sprinklers


    for those who like rimworld

  9. This of you who like RimWorld, I’d appreciate it if you come check out my small time streamer buddy.


  10. Met this fucker randomly @ IEM Chicago 2019



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      54 minutes ago, Vis said:

      Why are you wearing cargo shorts, so unfashionable 

      What are you dissing on cargo shorts for?

    4. zoomzooooooom


      1 hour ago, Vis said:

      Why are you wearing cargo shorts, so unfashionable 

      cargo shorts with a polo hoodie or shirt and you got the juice

  11. Anybody down for GTA Online? Bored as hell and need money for the new update coming out Tuesday 

  12. Should probably delete my "homework" folder


  13. Back to the grind

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