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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. Is it just me or do you cringe when @Hoonter posts. 

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Unfortunately my source has declined to comment but i'm sure if you got those cogs working you could figure out who it is 🐘

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      >trusting kgb josh with an anonymous source

      this is me, passing on the idea


    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      🚣‍♀️ this is me bringing up the anonymous source that got @Jester banned 





  2. Sorry it took so long, I fell asleep after the meeting. First time posting one so it may be messed up somewhere so yeah
  3. Scats Stone Flashes readjusted @Silton Adjusting time of white screen, blurryness, etc. how it is right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yi0U4aNQXU Runs Vehicle Seizure for containing $350,000 worth of contraband changed to $500,000 @Cale Feds Redesign bank, if Map designer find good location possible relocation as well @Millennium Always be able to pick contraband whilst in jail @Silton APD Roundtable Add Ability to seize Gold out of Fed/Bank vault Seize remainder of gold left in Fed if any is left at all Flat price distributed to officers in 3KM+ radius for Federal Event/Bank defuse Change Reduction of payment nerfs for JrAPD, add 5% payment nerf to ssgt+ Classnames on shared weapons i.e. Sting, P07 Show the difference between a Vigilante & Cop weapon to discern different charges. APD members cannot discern the difference currently between APD/Vigilante weapons. BW Walls harder to break than vanilla walls & client side. Staff RoundTable Add Pocket Go-Kart - Tech Y inventory item that spawns a go kart you have keys to. Costs $30k just like the go-kart. Weighs 25 y inv space. Add a weapons trader - Tech Players can take unwanted guns, ammo, and explosives to trade for 50% cash back. Gang bank conquest money/wp's - Masoooooooooon A small amount of money goes into gang bank of the top 3 teams within conquest (this would not be taken from the "pot" money) 1st Place 1M 2nd Place 500k 3rd place 250k invincibility inside the Kavala Casino to stop the auto-lose when getting killed mid gamble -trimo Revert bank payment - MAKO People in restraints name's change colors to signify that they shouldn't be shot. - MAKO You can find the roster for the @Civilian Council here. As always you can find details on how to apply here:
  4. you gotta be joking
  5. we voiced our concern about it when we saw it was getting implemented and said we wouldn't want it to give PC to seize cash. They were undecided at the time, and I guess they decided. We shall see how it goes, If it starts to really screw over tons of people it can always be brought up to change it so it doesn't. For now it is tho.
  6. @Brolaf
  7. @Stelar is better than @Jig
  8. = player report and comp request 250k is a little more than an average loadout so its costing someone a loadout for someone else to lose their loadout. Unless its something extremely valuable like a Mar10 then its different.
  9. 2 years on support team. fuck me sideways

    1. Masonn


      2 years of telling people to make a ticket.

    2. Venomm
    3. Rafa


      2 years of bleeding ears. Keep at it!

  10. Happy birthday @Brolaf u smurf

    1. Brolaf


      Thank you sir. Happy birthday Mr. Millenicock!

  11. o7 @rabid i had fun playing with you

  12. this has always been a thing. Normally from what I have seen is that Sr. APD are only allowed to camp a house/gangshed for 15 minutes, unless they have a reason to camp the house for longer (has seen you going back and forth between illegal zone and house) its not written but the Sr. APD usually follow the 15 minute rule. Its been a thing since Pledge was chief when Sho was always camping for house searches well u can with the permission of the chief, but thats it.
  13. o7 @Mr GOAT I know we both disliked each other, but u were an ok chief (better first time around).

    @Winters congrats you roleplayer ❤️

  14. Shiiiiiitt I got banned from the Fed discord ;( @rabid

    1. Monks


      @Strae ban me for no reason 😞

  15. u got unbanned from the forums?
  16. it is not me that makes the decisions. There are other people as well. Also would like to point out that this is 1 person's opinion plenty of people have different opinions on this matter.
  17. Happy Birthday @Rexo u crack head

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