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Head Civilian Council
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Everything posted by Millennium

  1. 1 million dollars. idk about you but thats a lot
  2. Skip to 6:20 (My trim shit is broken)


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xlax


      do you play with a remote?

    3. Millennium


      @Xlax nah i was jus too lazy to turn my mouse so I was using Cntrl+Q and Cntrl+E to turn left and right

  3. Why does it tell cops that black markets get captured
  4. Whats the difference between these two btw? High visibility vests to cops (yellow to deputy, blue to PO) Safety Vests to Deputy+
  5. Can I be whitelisted as a deputy. I want that uniform
  6. That moment when they try to fix vehicle desync and end up fixing the shotguns

    1. Fraali
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      The update has significantly fixed vehicle desync, vehicles are rocks now, last night I tried to pit a zamak 3 times and it rammed me out of the way 3 times when before it would've flipped.

      Vehicles are sturdier and handle better, the desync was always there it's just that due to better vehicle physics collisions aren't as forgiving.

    3. Deluxe


      I've been ramming things with tractors and I am not getting the results I wanted. Instead of blowing up and flying everywhere, nothing happens. Hopefully they do a rollback on the recent updates.

  7. New logo for Olympus @i chop hatchbacks


    I think the top left part only would be beautiful

    1. Monks


      its satanmouse

  8. Millennium

    WTS Envg's

    1 million
  9. Why was "How to ask a girl out" not on it
  10. Who cares
  11. Blacklist @i chop hatchbacks from it PLEASE. he will not stop losing money. Also: Is it poker for IG money (if thats allowed @Zahzi @Ryan) or for IRL money?
  12. Why can civs not pull vehicles at Neo Hospital?

    1. SPBojo


      Cuz no impound yard like at other hospitals : )

    2. Millennium


      Well i know that, but i could have sworn that civs were able to pull at the garage there previously

    3. SPBojo


      I feel like ur mixing vigi and hospital, i personally cant remember ever being able to pull at neo hospital but cant say for sure

  13. Happy birthday @JuanDeaged junior terrorist

  14. this aint gonna go anywhere
  15. Millennium


    pretty sure the reasoning is cuz its 7.62
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