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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. make it so you can still scalpel people in cop restraints. when you try to it says they must be in zip ties or something 

    1. BENJI


      that used to be the strat back in the day

  2. make it so you can repair houses like you can with gang sheds

  3. why did the thing where it said who killed you on your death screen get removed? i thought it was pretty useful 

    1. Millennium
    2. Zahzi


      It'll be fixed in the hotfix


    3. Lantik


      I didnt even notice it disappeared

  4. i sold one so i have 3 still im on server 1 if you are able to get on
  5. 475k each everythings s1 btw
  6. Tasers: 10 mxs 4 types 1 promet mr Other: 5.8 supp t4 vest 2 pilot covs promet sg
  7. "apd can only win bws when they armor stack"
  8. At 7 or by 7 like do we need to have control at 7 or just whoever captures it first
  9. make it so the 250 betting losses title gives you ability to disable betting for a certain amount of time so i cant just enable right away

  10. at sold still selling envgs 9.5mil
  11. 650k for 6.5 not selling mxs
  12. Selling the following ENVGS AT offroad T4 vest 6.5 sound supp S1 Kavala rebel house in redzone
  13. Is the last also a skeleton?
  14. destroys server performance has been requested many times
  15. Is the apd vandal skinned hatchback considered a illegal vehicle as in can be guns hotted on by ghost hawk or just a seizable vehicle? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mane


      Not an illegal vehicle, the skin is.

  16. Make it so it’s free to claim cop hatchbacks it’s free for them to claim them from us

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phizx


      I'm sure the new players are going around hunting APD hatchbacks to claim instead of doing runs

    3. gaz


      @Billeh Um actually, It would be a semicolon since it was joining two independent clauses that are closely related in thought.Nerd Kid from The Polar Express does bad! - YouTube

    4. Billeh
  17. how does the extra drug money work for cop? does it give you the extra percentage even if someone else searches or you specifically have to search it to get the extra money

    1. Mane


      Needs to be the person searching 

  18. was the health and food part of screen always transparent also can we get a color other than white for perm house keys its the same color as gang mates on map and could be confusing

    1. Dank MeeMoo

      Dank MeeMoo

      The transparency is new

    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      or allow option to disable the shared keys showing up on map would also be good

    3. Millennium


      new update changed it.

  19. should specify how many hours i need on server to become vigi in the vigi rules or something

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