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Caleb Snackbar

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Everything posted by Caleb Snackbar

  1. o7
  2. this goes against kids college
  3. make it so you can buy a wpl at the legal dealers would be pretty helpful for people that forgot to buy it before they started the run

  4. Yes I realize that I also do them for fun but it’s not fun getting wall banged through dome or having 10 hunters push my tower
  5. But then when we do bws/ feds with equal numbers we get hunter stacked every wave with around equal numbers to cops. You wonder why we wait until we have a number advantage but then when anyone that doesn’t have the numbers we do, does one they get stomped by stupid strats like hunter stacking or just wall banging them at a fed
  6. that lightning game was crazy

  7. ats arent 9.5mil
  8. i owned a 0 crater on server 1 in the redzone and it let me spawn at it
  9. you can spawn in the kav rebel houses
  10. 1.3bil and trying to sell houses you are a jew
  11. it should say how many cops are on in like brackets or something next to where it says On Duty in the bounty part. would be nice to know so we dont have to check the player list to know if we can tac spawn or not

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Caleb Snackbar

      Caleb Snackbar

      still mad about julian zz

    3. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      @Skys sometimes thats not enough because you would have SAPD in hidden channels and whatnot

    4. Hurricane


      press m goto team 

  12. so my zafir is valued at 4 but yours is gonna sell for 5 okay
  13. Everything is gone
  14. Selling MAR 10 Lethal T5 vest 6.5 stealth supp 2x 5.8 supp 4x mx tasers type taser 2x promet sg 3x pcovs all server 1
  15. Add a second car spawn point to jail

  16. is anyone streaming the monopoly games

  17. what server
  18. When they are responding to a situation in a red zone cops must wait till they all die before they can depart from the hq and must be done all at once. So you as a civ will have some time to leave the area while they have to drive back. but this rule doesnt apply if you arent in a redzone, so they can just come back each time they spawn in
  19. can we make comp request for stuff we got legit that was lost due to rollback?

  20. 76561198093364511
  21. how do i find this
  22. this
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