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Everything posted by House

  1. so when is this going to happen
  2. i have never seen this zone before
  3. spent 2 hours going through are germans pc to find pulldowns than just going on with the rounds https://gyazo.com/682e2adb3c89155544ef192551a1656a sus bro
  4. cool so like no fps
  5. pbo's loaded
  6. @monsterr turned 12 today everyone wish him a happy teen years

    1. monster


      Nooooo its all wrong, im 13 now not 12!!!

      ty ❤️

  7. for spacemovie this seems ez
  8. never host s1 retards or if you are get a box that is not made of cardboard

    1. Skys


      who would of thought s1 conquest lags

  9. House

    o7 lol

    cya bud
  10. House

    wts sell AT

    sorry we dont sit in kav all day we have lives
  11. runs take to long for the money you get from them
  12. @Truthy when is tss 1 coming out

  13. @Ryan do a giveaway for jimmys 5k war points 

  14. today was a good day 

  15. bit racist ngl
  16. https://www.yang2020.com/ yang gang
  17. <00:24:49> "[Tap] Tap": https://gyazo.com/d580e0dfc09bda88071be859d94e6256 - Parker before Dune
    <00:24:53> "[Tap] Tap": https://gyazo.com/2f9b88d4e76497b592e20dc6ab16affc - Parker after  

    good one @Tapatio 

  18. true he is fucking stupid but more people fighting would be fun instead of more points
  19. House


    lawler down
  20. House


    07 g
  21. House

    sell garage

    https://gyazo.com/850c243eeb5ca50ae4ee6049bb64898f server 2 dp22 garage- 6.5 mil
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