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John Wayne

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Everything posted by John Wayne

  1. I know someone with a chrome strider. Rip 6mil
  2. How will the APD know what the illegal items are?
  3. So who's starting a dkp spreadsheet?

  4. Do these spawn for everyone participating or just one crate with three guns for 12 guys?
  5. Savage
  6. I'm ready for my Lt test. I can answer every question right. 

  7. Alex is a... a... Alex is a... ... .... *Repeat*
  8. The gang wars stream donations count towards black water, right?

    1. Brennan


      Those donations go to Peter, not Olympus Servers. So that would be a no.

  9. i love getting a texture bug every time my game loads the unnecessary decora at hospitals.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ventar


      Only if they heard your rage everytime... ^

  10. they must not have been feeding it
  11. @Poseidon did you change the forums web category or something because now my work filters the website because it's listed as "Games". 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Brennan


      You can't just change the category of a website, that's not how filters function. Just get a proxy extension on chrome.

    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      What's a good proxy extension on chrome? I'll try it today

    4. Poseidon


      I'd be careful with proxies, if your work is strict about this stuff any decent IT guy can see you're fuckin' around.

  12. What makes you think a medic is going to read this? Medics cant READ.
  13. God bless Altis's hottest new couple, Hadi and her caring, just-got-out-of-jail RDMing metagaming squeeker husband Turtle Corey.


    1. Orgondo


      Kinda looks like he was married against his will....

    2. Moose


      Was there... can confirm shotgun wedding. Gary and I took down Lucki while consummation took place

    3. John Wayne
  14. Heli's cant carry gold from the fed... can planes tho?

  15. Ya I got rdm'ed by an admin last night. Luckily he comped me, otherwise I would've had to pull an orca...
  16. It's definitely Muthinator then.
  17. I guess I'm a no life basement dwelling nerd cause im on leaderboards ... yet I haven't done any real drug runs in like one and a half years... and that's when the market was 1/2 the payout money isn't hard to make OP.... your just an idiot
  18. best thread NA
  19. bring your best gear and your biggest heli to athira rebel. let me know
  20. There are no turtles in tanoa... Just big tunas
  21. fuck I had this problem along time ago, i wish i could remember what i did to fix it... i could join any server but server 2 ... even now i cant refresh it on steam to see whos ingame but server 1 i can.
  22. Toe knee you made a rookie mistake, you forgot to add any extra bullshit charges so you can profit off of the arrest. +1 on the virus comment
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