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Everything posted by Christoph


    "do you wanna bring in some riot police"

    "uhhh we should be able to handle it" 

    *5 seconds later*

    "okay riot it is" 

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    2. Millennium


      I love how you blamed the 6 am Free time on @thedoc even tho it was u

  2. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198064408512/#sort=order
  3. Ohhhh shit a rat congrats <3 @Super_Nova

    just remember were still friend even if as a dep i made you lose your bandanna okay <3 @Winters

  4. mans doesn't waste time 

  5. Happy Birthday @Maddog

    learnt a lot from you cuty <3 come back soon pls 

    1. Vcx


      Sir do you know how a lagswitch works 

    2. monster


      sorry man i was meant to tp myself to hq not tp you.

  6. R E M E M B E R T O S T A Y P O S I T I V E Y O U C A N A C O M P L I S H A N Y T H I N G I F Y O U S E T Y O U R M I N D T O I T 

  7. S T A Y M A L N U R I S H E D 

  8. yo i'm featured in this [rare site me being on civ tbh]
  9. When it says they have to Does that mean they have to declare in game that they’re neutralised or just in the cop channel
  10. PLS fix this stoopid bug with the garage as i'm literally waving into fed with either other people or in a quad bike like shit its stoopid fix it pls 

  11. congrats chriss 

  12. I don't see why you just merge some rules together eg. make it so that once 5 mins left to the federal event you can authorise lethals rather than at a SENIORS discretion it is 5 mins till the bomb blows and it gets a few waves in.
  13. i'm sorry but i believe that it should of stayed the 5 min rule but you can also authorise them at fed. like this rule is stoopid seniors discretion.
  14. So what are the actual kinda guidelines for being 'Heavily outnumbered' Like for planes i've been told that anyone over 250k are classified as high value ground vehicles, however this isn't obviously stated in the handbook
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