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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. inb4 medic nerf prior to blackfish nerf

    @ Orbit

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Orbit


      Say in theory a medic seized myCCASTs and Vest Etc when im standing next to them on purpose,  thats not allowed right? @ Millennium

    3. Millennium


      yeah.... I mean idk the full context, but from the sounds of it, it sounds like it was improperly used. Just submit an IA  like I said. Marcus will deal with it.

    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      point: proven

  2. I do really find it cute throughout the entirety of your 989 characters typed in this reply, that you did not share with the class how you have not recommended a blackfish nerf/slinging gold vehicles nerf. I guess tazing cops (while on civ) with your 100 round drum mag on your MXM is more important, and requires your immediate attention to balance it.
  3. Why don't you share with the class how you have not recommended a nerf to the blackfish/slinging gold vehicles then? Sure seems like some other issues (like not being able to restrain cops you're tazing) is a bigger one for you. I don't need to type a paragraph to convey my point here. Funny how no one mentions the MULTIPLE ways civilians are able to acquire gear/make money. What are war points? What is the war point shop? When will cops get equal access to this? Doesn't seem proportional to me that civs are able to get as many warpoints as possible, then on top of that, they get a reward for killing said cops in Warzone. Lets do the math here: cops have to pay for loadouts, but civs get additional monetary incentive to kill them in this area balanced? I think not LOL L O L
  4. ngl, this "staff gang" is the most bearable out of all of them not too much retarded gear competent people in support channels +1 content from this thread too
  5. care to elaborate what you sleep on/with sir?
  6. olympus: kavala edition
  7. Let's actually get the facts straight: I never once utilized a blackfish to extract a blackwater vehicle (quote me on that). Crazy, it's almost like the Chief of Police's job is to further the advancement of the APD. Crazy idea that I might try and buff the cops. You stated it is an "intended feature", therefore, you do support it being in the game and being abused. You can split hairs all you'd like, but your clown emoji just gets that much bigger. Funny how this APD handbook update requires your immediate attention, and you can easily state it's a "broken" for cops to utilize the only vehicle within view distance, but you lack that same capability in terms of the blackfish being utilized at BW (to fly away the BW vehicle) or gold trucks being slung away. You. Are. Dense. Likewise, you seem to have a comment on everything I do. Nice to know my fanbase is growing! Also, best part about these forums:
  8. Since when did the Fed/BW/Bank stats disappear from public view? Surely that has to be public information

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Farrel


      That's an apd issue not balance. I'm also unsure why SAPD are not promoting more po's to corporal. And the server is not catering to the glizzy goblins lmfao. 

    3. Lucien


      I know a PO who should be promoted to corp his name is @ Faz he has lots of potential and is excellent at preventing feds

    4. Mako


      Quadbikes with Mk200 attached and HEMTT storage, excellent idea @ Skys .

  9. To claim the BW vehicle? Idk about that one chief, it's a particularly popular strat
  10. He thinks a cop gaining access to a civilian vehicle is broken (when no other option is available), but a blackfish flying away the BW vehicle isn't. When that stance changes, along with many other heavily anti-apd stances, I'll give credence to your idea of the clown giving a genuine fuck about balance.
  11. civ sided admin commenting zzz
  12. Weird, this doesn't look like spawning it in to me, quite the opposite actually! or a ticket paid (for free!) if you're in aegis, don't forget that, a unique gang incentive!
  13. Who designed Pyrgos bank? Were you trolling or randomly placing objects when you were half asleep?

    Whoever thought:

    A) we need a 3rd bank

    B) make it 3km away from nearest HQ

    you are CERTIFIED braindead, and probably on civ council at some point

    1. Show previous comments  51 more
    2. monster


      Often outnumber by 2-3x or more, free loadouts, no wave rule, really looking like a player issue that you're struggling at banks.

      honestly can't remember the last time I seen you get a kill/tase with the t5 vest, t4 helmet, rpk that you get for free, every life. If you're playing banks like you are BWs then I think the issue is strategy or the lack there of and not balancing/design.

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      waaaa i cant get to bank in 30 seconds in my hunter waaaaaaa

    4. Rossco
  14. how you gonna add 2 hours onto an already 7 day forum restriction?


    @ Ryan  R E G A I N  C O N T R O L

  15. Kami hits it on the head. Should've been consulted with civ council and put in patch notes, but was definitely warranted. Seems to be a worrying trend lately of development activity that has not been cleared/consulted with civ council or leads of factions.
  16. Didn't have the opportunity to speak to you until recently, but I am glad I did. This post is "post of the year" level content. 07 my man. As always, don't worry everyone, remember:
  17. 330e8f1ae88a24b52c7b504a088759c4.png

    You know things are getting rough when he enables vacation mode


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Millennium


      Bro no one gives a fuck. Shut up and keep getting upset every time you lose something.

    3. Mr GOAT
    4. Millennium


      There is no L to hold. Ryan being present wouldn’t stop any of what happened to happen. It would be reverted just like it is now.

  18. hows the ban L O L
  19. Aren't you one of the "spinnas"? lmfao
  20. cd550e250dd533002fe4ccba810b5e71.gif

    "GOAT can you fucking move!?!?" - @ Nephew

    another one added to the notebook

    1. Fuzy


      It be yah own people

  21. Same people complaining about APD responses to airdrops are currently using Silenced Cyrus and/or MK200/Granit loadout




  22. Rust is $39.99 on steam big fella
  23. #FreeRabid

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. JoeL


      @ Mr GOAT  they ain’t wanna know nothin about that chimney sweepin

    3. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT


    4. SuWooP


      Do your parents love you? 

  24. ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

    The real negotiating table @ Mako  @ anti

    1. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist


    2. Cole


      negotiating on who gets which cheese pizza 

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