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Everything posted by Larkerz

  1. like a month or two ago, there were a couple days where absolutely no posts were made for over 24 hours. This shit weak af
  2. well, considering not answering the poll is entirely possible, you sir, are wrong. a very uncool member of the community, however take grace that @ The Sovereign is still more uncool than you.
  3. i refuse to answer the poll so you feel less cool
  4. why add trigger apd sensor? Who on cap is using this and who proposed it? like im genuinely curious why it is a thing and why its at the bottom of the menu.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      It’s literally used every single time I play cop. Pretty commonly used when civs want fights and nobody else is fighting cap. Before it was used civs very clearly told me and cops in general to start raiding more because they wanted fights. 

    3. Milo


      From my understanding this was actually a requested change from the civilian roundtable instead of the APD, but that both factions liked the idea. The idea is that it allows cops the "probable cause" to enter warzone for multiple raids. Large civilian gangs who are looking for fights can get them on cap at the benefit of war points, while cops get bounties and siezures of illegal vehicles.

      There were a few things I've noticed since implementing it that I could've done better that will be released in the next update. Primary thing being is that it looks relatively easy to accidently press. The feature will be in red text and require a confirmation in order to "trip" the sensor to prevent bothersome accidents when storing vehicles, etc. Couple of other small things I will be refining too but the general jist is that it is used to provoke combat encounters both sides may be seeking 🙂

    4. FaXe


      tp use it quite alot

  5. barely play anyway, but that means absolutely nothing from you. you've been being told to leave since day one and youre still here. You're disliked by everyone in the community.
  6. This place dead af on god.
  7. This is what we get when theres no new threads for over 24 hours.
  8. didnt you like o7 and ask the community if you should leave, which im 100% sure was a yes get the fuck out. So why are you still here?
  9. Larkerz


    so whats the difference between an orca and orca smoke
  10. ETA on scripter getting banned?

    1. Fraali


      There's been 4 accounts in the past 24 hours, not really sure what you're expecting us to do other than ban them when they get detected.

      Arma ain't the best thing to work with for preventing these kind of issues.

    2. Larkerz


      I didnt know it was different accounts, figured it was the same retard doing it within a couple hours of each other

  11. New font sucks, it looks like its being stretched

  12. "You don't, they're teamplayers. Nothin' will happen" looks like something happened tho
  13. I remember looking on google earth at warzone years ago and there were photospheres of people on arms, but looking now it seems they've all disappeared. Church still appears as a chapel though so I assume its open but honestly could have changed for whatever reason.
  14. Let's get a whole gang on Lemnos and turn it into irl arma
  15. you must hate your life coming back.
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