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Everything posted by indian

  1. so he did tell tp that we were at oil pro?
  2. hmmmmm a bit contradictory ig you dont wan't to be Alone
  3. uh that’s weird I’ll msg you
  4. best server to run shine btw, server 3 garage and 2 crater a little south of shine pro selling my house and garage for pretty cheap, pm me
  5. interesting to hear that shit is now fucking demons.
  6. since @MAV locked the thread whille I was typing

    1 hour ago, Hadi'sLilBro said:


    Wtf happend to you what happend to Bralls can I get money damn people change just to fit in.

    it's called baiting for evidence. I care more for this server and community than our friendship. The amount of time/ign money I've lost to you fuckers messing with bank accounts had me incredibly close to quitting arma and I'd be glad to see you guys get an actual punishment for all the havoc you and your retard friends have caused. Not to mention, the amount of time you've wasted not only on the behalf of active players, but also the time of the staff and developers that have to sit in a teamspeak room daily for hours on end dealing with this shit. o7 cunt

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Evann


      49 minutes ago, Hadi'sLilBro said:

      Okay buddy good excuse the videos say it all go get blacklisted from apd. If I can get apd and u cant u must be a absolute retard then

      @Bojo XDDD :bender-dance:

      no one cares 

    3. Hadi'sLilBro



      Your on my profile retard stop suckin my dick(:

    4. Evann


      @Hadi'sLilBro i hope the ice cubes under your fridge melt and you step in the water that comes out from under your fridge

  7. Not for a hacking on a video game, for hacking into olympus’ control panel database and deleting everything. might be mistaken but pretty sure I’m right
  8. @Kyle Lake Press charges anyway and fuck their already pathetic lives over
  9. @Evann @Xirie @Mutiny @Lukeee @bastroready to wipe some plebs?? zzzzz
  10. indian

    Olympus Twitch

  11. who wants to bet 22 mil

  12. also happy bday @Zurph


  14. i buy dms for 20 rupees sir
  15. indian


    D E L E T E T H E S T R E A M C A T E G O R Y T H E N holy fuck thats long
  16. well... tough luck. Aren’t you a career vigi that hates vigi nerfs, I don’t see why you’re complaining lmao plus when are you that far away from your car that a vigi, which by the way has to go to an illegal area (black market) to get a tracker, can easily apply it to your vehicle?
  17. it’s helpful, why not?
  18. what’s up faggots retard anish left his phone on our lab table unlocked like a complete retard while he takes a chem test cause he was missing school playing arma with you faggots that have no life. I bought this kid arma a year ago and ever since our friends quit this shit game and disbanded ViPr, this little faggot Ar7980 got sucked into this game and now plays with this efriends in some gang with the gayest fucking name I’ve ever heard. Let me tell you, indian or whatever the fuck his dumbass name is was playing jva soccer, hanging out with the boys, was ripped which by know probably has mad rolls from sitting on his fatass playing arma, got decent pussy for a brown kid, is know a complete idiot. please perm him in game for being a fatass and give him back to us. Sincerely, jslim

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. NexIV


      You see nothing @indian

    3. indian


      was going to say delete this but respect that John didn’t say some stupid shit 

      what the actual fuck is this

    4. NexIV


      Idk, hes your friend. Hurt my head to read the original thing.

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