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Everything posted by Strikke

  1. What is this? American politics?
  2. I redact this from my statement because Pyrgos rebel is still somehow fucked.
  3. No, you need to actually know 3d design, map design or code in SQF i wish though.
  4. Its what Designers and Devs get before becoming their "full" rank
  5. But this is not what the word hypocrite means though. Being a hypocrite means you are preaching something and then at the same time not following your own words. it does not mean that a person has done something a long time ago in the past and then has changed. As https://dictionary.cambridge.org puts it: "he's always lecturing other people on the environment but he drives around in a huge car." I find their example quite good as it shows that the two actions basically have to happen around the same time, not years apart,
  6. @Dicky Oh noooooo. not my e rep. pls dont downvote my posts i might kms from this harrasment, i need my e rep. pls no, oh no dont do it. so scared. someone help me he downvoted my posts because hoes mad. how you gonna do me like that, not my e rep oh no, lord save me. such great threats in the land. NOT MY E REP!!!
  7. Then why would you spend all this time responding to everyones comments? looks like you care a lot. Ah yes ofc the good old hypocrite argument.... Imagine this: You have been in jail for robbing stores, then a few years later you get released and start working with the police to prevent robberies. Would the robber be a hypocrite now because he doesn't rob anymore and instead talks about not robbing?
  8. Just get contributor or staff, then you can buy them for next to nothing with staff points.
  9. Ok? but this wasnt his point either?
  10. Why is this needed? I mean im not going to say no to free money, but wtf.
  11. How yall gonna spam that ddos shit but not actually @Jerrod ?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Strikke wanna keep talking shit with that static IP? 📜

    3. Strikke


      @Fake Grandma Bro, ill come to your house and steal your weed. Watch your threats brother

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      @Strikke Bro ill let the homie Trump know you are coming. GL getting past the airport. Your IP starts with 127.0...

  12. @whosjamareh how you gonna DW me like that. Here in Norway McDonalds aren't legally allowed to market their "burgers" as burgers because they don't have enough meat in them. Absolutely disgusting food.
  13. But there can never be enough dressing though
  14. ngl would love to fuck a mcchicken right about now
  15. mcdonalds is trash so no thanks.
  16. Strikke


  17. When a "video game journalist" reviews a game. wtf


    1. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Is good. veri good 

  18. Tfw alt accounts were one of the few ways to earn more then cops.

    Lil buddy, you will be missed ❤️ 




    1. SPBojo


      :papega: Time for everyone on the goddam server to become a cop :papega:

  19. Bro.. chill..
  20. No, it's my MAR 10.
  21. There is nothing to even imagine.
  22. im pretty upset about it because he said he would unban me if the guy I rdm'd accepted my comp, but never unbanned me

  23. the guy will accept compensation but the admin that blocked me said he didn't have the time to unblock me claiming he does the for free and this isn't his job, he said he doesn't get paid for it so he pretty much just left me banned

  24. Strikke


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