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Olympus Entertainment - The Conclusion of 2024 - $4000+ Giveaway & Holiday Sales/Price Match! ×


Senior Civilian Council
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Everything posted by ares

  1. 100%, which is why I’ve made you proud since you unbanned me
  2. ares


    For once we agree on something, free groovy
  3. some people change
  4. Goodbyes are never easy. I remember years ago when I was just learning how to play the game you took me under your wing and taught me everything you knew about this game.. before we went our separate ways a few years ago you were always by my side and always stood up for me when others wouldn’t. You helped me learn to always be proud of myself. You gave me so many laughs and so much fun. I’ll miss you homie.. maybe one day years down the line in the skies above we will see each other in real life and sit down and have another talk. Love you Conner
  5. prices?
  6. rip
  7. long live the queen ;(

  8. When everyone especially @ Grandma Gary  wishes dank a happy bday but not you 😞

    happy bday @ notsodank

  9. ares


    how much for ur rpk tazers or ur ak-12 tazer
  10. Idk if this is helpful but gaming laptops tend to overheat to the point where you can legit cook an egg on it, My old gaming laptop did that and damaged some parts in it, so might wanna think about that when deciding.
  11. ares

    WTS DP3 meth 5c

    send screenshot of location
  12. ares


    o7 will miss you ;(
  13. Ya its crazy whoever reported them should get a reward like a free homework pass or something
  14. where’s my video now
  15. ares


    im down
  16. Stop selling my shit rat
  17. ares


    I've been off the forums cuz I was on vacation but o7 @ Noahhh! . It was fun playing with you for a couple years and thanks for giving me some of the best times I've ever had on video games in Noble. Also thanks for not forgetting about me in your post Also thanks for the advice, you are one of the few people that were in Noble that weren't absolute monke
  18. Yes
  19. ares


  20. ares


    When will the list be implemented
  21. ares

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome my good sir!
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