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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. Congrats on retired chief @ hawk

  2. Please stop breaking NLR or I’ll have to ban you
  3. @ hawk please send me a snap before we lose our streak❤️

  4. Don’t you keep 100mil in your deposit box
  5. Congrats @ hawk on our new BFF status on snap 

  6.  What are we saying congrats for this time?

    1. Dragonnoid


      Marcus got senior wiki

      On9 got corp and Yakgod got FTO(?)

  7. Wow dude this is really good to know thanks for sharing this awesome post to us you should consider becoming a support team member and helping out in the community
  8. I think the imposter hawk changed my name!!

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      We're gonna have to fight for him

  9. That means you can give me all your money now @ Brandyn congrats

  10. Can we have a drawing contest please post below your best drawing of an ingame Olympus vehicle thanks 

    1. buckie


      i cant draw your ass, its too fat 

  11. Happy birthday @ Millennium you’re my #1 furry

  12. At least allow them to give us gambling money
  13. They gave you corp finally @ Karma dont commit suicide now

  14. idk what its for but congrats @ nicole

  15. What are we saying congrats for this time 

  16. Didn’t you post this like 5times already
  17. Can we say what we are congratulated people for Cus idk man 

    1. Lea


      Well at least I'm not the only one wondering! lol

    2. Lucien


      Caden Dep Chief

      Wade, Nate, Jeber Corp

      Hazardous FTO

  18. Who took my medic white list I’m on LOA RN 

    1. buckie


      Get fucked loser

  19. Why would anyone pay 35mil for a staff hawk
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