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Everything posted by Claysive

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      and others that didn't deserve it.

    3. monster


      @Millennium they were crossfire and i will attempt to compensate there loss's

    4. Millennium


      you mean crossfire of you being a retard on your dad's credit card?

  1. LOL. Calm down chief. You're taking things a little too serious.
  2. Lol. Even if it was related to Olympus, it’s just textures. These people are acting like you are selling database access or some shit. It’s a video game. I think many people forget that.
  3. Game of moans?
  4. What’s RP?
  5. Congrats @Dr Bambino!! Well deserved man. Have fun

    1. Dr Bambino

      Dr Bambino

      Thanks man! You da best

  6. Huh?
  7. Video game drama is intense today!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Claysive


      Something something... fuck the APD is about the gist of it. At least from what I can gather. I can't keep up with it all

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      23 minutes ago, Claysive said:

      Something something... fuck the APD is about the gist of it. At least from what I can gather. I can't keep up with it all

      Your TLDR game is weak!

    4. Richard


      19 minutes ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Your TLDR game is weak!

      I want to TL:DR for you so bad, but I’d receive 800 hate notifications.  If I wanted that I would go for a staff position.

  8. Do players actually go and catch fish? I always forget this is even a thing. That I’d like to see stats on.
  9. Claysive


  10. https://gyazo.com/2a80ea2fb355d1adf2244a1e3561f958
  11. Let's not give us too much credit now. lol, but it's win win for us, if they win, they only beat medics, no big deal. but to be known as the ones who lost to bpm.. that'll be something to go down in history.
  12. APD vs Medics. If you win, congrats... you beat medics. But if you lose...
  13. It is true. What do you mean? I posted that section of the handbook to show you that it is. Calling the APD for assistance and reporting illegal activity are two different situations. Someone was saying that medics call APD all the time and lead them to drug busts. This goes against the handbook. A medic calling you and saying "hey, Joe is at coke pro" is not allowed. A medic calling you and saying "hey, i need assistance at coke pro, shots fired" is. You are telling him that he is wrong, when he's clearly right. The only time a medic should be reporting activity is when there is suspicious activity around the federal events, like he said.
  14. 5. Medics shall not disclose the Name, Affiliation, or Bounty of patients to anyone who is not employed in the R&R, in any request for service. These details should only be passed during legitimate forms of RP or if the request is being made to facilitate a player report for misconduct. 5.1. Medics are only permitted to call the APD for Assistance when threats or direct hostile action has been taken against them. Medics may then relay pertinent details to the APD. Ex: General Location, Vehicles, Weapons, Number of Assailants, etc. 5.2 EMT rank is the only rank authorized to call the APD for the sole purpose of an Escort into a red zone without threats or hostilities present. Paramedics(+) do not need to call APD for an Escort unless direct threats are exchanged prior to entering the red zone. 5.3. Medics are authorized to report suspicious or illegal activity that is observed around the Federal Reserve, Altis Penitentiary, or Black Water Armory to the APD. 5.4. Once APD is actively assisting medics in a call for service, medics may notify the APD about pertinent details until the medic leaves, loses contact, or the incident is over. No medic should be reporting any illegal activity to the APD other than suspicious activity around the fed events. The only other reason for them to contact APD is for assistance once hostile action has been taken towards them, or if an EMT needs an escort into an illegal area. That's it. Any medic reporting to APD illegal activity going on, and leading you to drug busts is violating the handbook and should be reported.
  15. Selling “I can’t shoot for shit” lessons $2 each
  16. Can we get a TLDR?
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