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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

  1. I was born in RDM alley son.
  2. That is the game to watch. Drunken retards vs regular retards.
  3. Got a bottle with your name on it nigguh.
  4. If I wasn't a hypocrite, would I even be me?
  5. The USA everybody! (Incoming angry sausage finger keyboard smashing)
  6. Some gave all,

    All Gave Some,

    And at the going down of the sun, 

    We will remember them.


    36th Ulster Division, Battle of the Somme, 1st July 1916. Lest we forget.

  7. The United States: Lost to the McDonalds Corporation.
  8. The United States: Lost to Vietnamese farmers with pointy hats and some sharpened sticks.
  9. When you go to the casino with @Midnight and he wins $350 and you blow $70. I pissed on his toilet seat for revenge.

  10. Corporal_moob has now checked into Hotel: @Midnight's house.

    And no, I'm not dead. The closest I've come to death was not dying in a Minnesota snow storm, It was nearly getting suffocated between two American fatties on the plane from Dublin for 9 hours.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      @Corporal_Moob 9 hours without a cig, new record?

    3. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      @Bocephus Psst. I secretly vaped on the plane. nobody seen nuffin.

    4. Joel (;

      Joel (;

      17 hours ago, Corporal_Moob said:

      @Bocephus Psst. I secretly vaped on the plane. nobody seen nuffin.

      I laughed too hard at this...

  11. Leaked picture of Denials face.
    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Irish, Republican and Proud.  Well now Moob it's all out now.

  12. Quite frankly an awful decision. Bottom of the barrel scraping is what this is.
  13. Actually one of the less retarded cops I've come across, and a cool guy, it's unfortunate you're leaving, see you around bud.
  15. yer da's yer uncle
  16. You're a 5''6 Goyim. get outta here you hallion.
  17. Nothing personal. Just opinions. And check yo' self, we spoken before, Few times but we have.
  18. nigguh DangusDean worked it out.
  19. ME YOU MONG.
  20. https://gyazo.com/0462f7a9a7b102dddd48443084c1a8bb Congratulations, You're retarded.
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