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  1. Stfu you nobody smelly monkey head fucking NOOB
  2. fond memories with deputy falcon
  3. Cool
  4. Anyone who DDOS is fat irl change my mind 

  5. Junior dev just seems like you’re doing the monkey work for lazy real devs lmao 

    1. MAV


      nah, you work with or talk to devs enough you realize they have enough to do where cleaning up old code just never makes it to the top of the list...

  6. I would like to wish goodluck to my friend @Homicide and hope he is soon my civ rep, wait i'm not a civ im banned! stop banning my supporters let their opinions be heard! Image result for yelling emoji

  7. Craziest stuff to happen fellas. Drop a like and watch.


    1. Bloodmoon


      @draMa Free this man right now in Olympus ts

    2. bigSMOKE2


      5 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

      @draMa Free this man right now in Olympus ts

      Blood moon made me do it 

  8. Gosh darn I cannot participate, I am currently banned from Olympus servers. Have fun all.
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