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Everything posted by wrice4

  1. Bitch? Hack to combat logging? What are you even talking about dude? My gosh I guess I struck a nerve. Yup.
  2. I'm backkkkk....Been a busy couple months with work, but plan on playing more often!

  3. Bojo, this has to be the 20th time you have posted saying that you are leaving.....
  4. Been at the blues festival all weekend. Plan to hop on this week! Cheers everyone.

  5. All of this crying, on forums makes me wonder what the average age group is, on forums. Grow up people, this is a game.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. QKSILVR73


      I just laugh at the salt being thrown around. To me it's like Sugar because it all makes me laugh

    3. Fastik


      Wait... This is real life?!?!? THE MCPD IS REAL EVERYONE HIDE. #MCPD

    4. wrice4
  6. Had good RP from the little time I had on APD today. Had a go kart car show too.

  7. Shot a great game today in golf. Now on to shoot a great game in Arma 3.

    1. Tman15tmb
    2. wrice4


      Shot 15 over par :-/ which is good for me.

    3. Tman15tmb
  8. Well, just got back from the doctor....Looks like my wife and I are having another boy.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aress
    3. wrice4


      Thanks everyone, and good idea Moobm lol. Plan on playing a lot this weekend.

    4. Brennan



  9. Been busy with work for the past month and a half so I haven't played much. Just got on to play some APD and saw I am now de-whitelisted from corporal and apd. Makes me sad, but I guess I understand. Was great getting to know everyone, and I had a blast. Just don't know how much I will be on Olympus anymore :(

    1. Warfare


      Just talk to senior apd and explain the situation. Next to you think you won't be able to play much put in an absence request.

    2. Chip


      Same thing happened to me came back talked to one of the Sergent's took a quick test and was back in.

    3. wrice4


      I will give it a try, I also have put in a requets before, but I didn't put it would be a month.

  10. Addicted to Overpoch Chernarus.....

    1. Sir Dude

      Sir Dude

      Addicted to deez nuts.. Sorry had to say it. Lol

  11. Anyone know how to get overpoch chenarus working? I have all the files but cant get it to work.

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Would help knowing what's wrong. I had it working and installed it for 5 people.

    2. wrice4


      I downloaded @allinterrainpack, @epoch, and @nato sf weapons. Put them in my arma folder and launch perameters. Also tried launching with ccg , a3launcher, and play with 6 and they all say I need to download the files.

    3. Fastik


      The launchers say youre missing the files because all of the launchers have seperate file names launch your arma like you would normally to join olympus, go to your expansions and enable epoch, allinarmaterrain, and whatever else restart your game and go to the server browser and find a overpoch server you may need more weapon mods depending on the server

  12. Finally back home. Ready to play!

  13. Vacation on Friday, can't wait....

  14. Haven't been on lately due to I bought rust. I'll be on soon fellas.

    1. Orgondo


      What's your name ingame for Rust?

    2. wrice4
  15. Hope everyone is doing well

  16. Ready for the weekend so I can get on and play!

  17. forums been dead lately.

    1. SPBojo


      not my fault im half dead :3

  18. Was on the fence about buying rust, talked to several people that have it and everyone of them said don't buy it. Guess I made up my mind.

    1. Orgondo


      it's 7$ you might as well try it, I personally play the hell out of it

    2. wrice4


      Where is it $7? I have looked everywhere. G2A is $20

  19. Manny is so humble, he should have won.

    1. Big Bad Adam
    2. orcpoc
    3. QKSILVR73


      stick and move stick and move. That's what Pretty Boy Floyd did. It's called defense

  20. Getting ready for the fight tonight! GO MANNY!

  21. IPV4 and SX MINI M CLASS ARE IN!!!!!!!!!

  22. Ready for the FIGHT TOMORROW!

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I feel bad for my old colleagues back at Dave & Buster's. It's going to be FUBAR.

    2. Pineapple5000



  23. Is Gary's Mod worth the buy? I have never played it. Anyone else play it if I get it?

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