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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Mervin

  1. @ TapTap @ Rexo for chief let's vote ^^^^^ +10000
  2. Did you just find out the forums were a thing I’m confused…
  3. I won’t lie big John do be looking like he’s hacking sometimes but that’s what happens when you’ve been playing arma for years. Doesn’t make you look any less like a clown posting this tho lmao
  4. No cringe it’s honestly one of the best wiki pages I’ve ever seen and makes it super easy and enjoyable to anyone who is just starting out. Thank you for all the hard work! GL Marcus big shoes to fill
  5. Like legal or illegal
  6. Sprite Zero*
  7. Well, I missed my times by 20 mins so it looks like I'll be leaving again only played cop to meet people to play with but It's probably best that I just focus on work. it was good to see all the new faces and old ones. If you are reading this I hope you get the most out of your life and make meaningful relationships. Some of you treat it as a full-time job and that's unhealthy but you've all heard it before just take care of yourselves see you another 4 years My specs below should explain why I was working so much xD
      • 1
      • STFU
  8. Just realized you could change the forum theme pretty lit good job devs 

    1. nman


      bruh you better be keeping it on dark mode

    2. Rossco


      Still think the old dark mode was better

  9. #Batmanislife
  10. You would have to create a new steam account. There currently is no way for anybody to change steam IDs
  11. Happy birthday @ Poseidon gone but not forgotten 

  12. ^ But how much of a hard-on do you gotta have to clip something like that and get somebody banned over it can we go back to the time when people just took it and rolled lmao.
  13. I just wanted as many people to know about my beautiful baby girl who was sadly put to sleep last night after her liver failed due to FIP it’s been really rough for me and my wife. I know she’s flying high. thoughts and prayers are appreciated!
  14. I’m glad someone made a post because I was going too eventually. Good to hear that will be seeing Olympus branch out into future arma games whenever that may be
  15. Definitely gonna be an improvement
  16. This is a pretty good run down of settings I follow it pretty closely
  17. So is there a chance if we show enough dedication during these to become a developer for Olympus?
  18. Hmmmm copy pasta
  19. Hi have an amazing thanks giving more cipher will be coming for pleasure @robBob Not sure if it’s entirely correct but pretty sure I got it
  20. Are you gonna choose an offer or nah my last bid on this house was 2.1 mil
  21. Where the pic tho
  22. It’s a prank right? April fools early? No well shit o7
  23. o7
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