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Everything posted by SAE Ice

  1. SAE Ice

    WTS gear

    Not even close
  2. SAE Ice

    WTS gear

    20 -Mx taser 2 -Carri er special rig 1 black 1 green 3-CTRG Stealth u niform 5-spar taser 5-sting taser 1-spar 16 Gl (with blue smoke) 4-9mm suppressor
  3. SAE Ice

    WTS ENVG's

    You selling a 9mm suppressor
  4. SAE Ice

    WTS ENVG's

  5. Selling: 20-Mx taser 2-Carrier special rig 1 black 1 green 3-CTRG Stealth uniform 5-spar taser 5-sting taser  1-spar 16 Gl (with blue smoke) Buying: 9mm suppressors 5.56 suppressors spar 16s (with mags) PM prices and PM for prices
  6. Where did the money come from
  7. 20-Mx taser  2-Carrier special rig 1 black 1 green 3-CTRG Stealth uniform 5-spar taser 5-sting taser 1-spar 16 gl with smoke grenades willing to trade gear
  8. How much for spar 16s with mags bb
  9. We sell them for 300k so that would be 6mil 10 would be 3mil and 5 would be 1.5
  10. 20-Mx taser 2-Carrier special rig 1 black 1 green 3-CTRG Stealth uniform 5-spar taser 5-sting taser Willing to trade gear as well
  11. Isn’t nlr a thing
  12. Trying to work a deal with my man drip sorry
  13. How much for 7.62
  14. Update on what I’m thankful for my house got raided so nothing
  15. I dont know how to respond other than alpha is missing a Lt
  16. How do we know it’s actually chrome and not photoshopped ?
  17. Officer exo rdm tases all of kavala In hopes to save officer jones
  18. Wanting to buy uniforms and vest
  19. how much for vest
  20. im Thankful for all my sgt gear
  21. Wanting to buy stealth uniforms and lvl 4,5 vest
  22. Civs can’t have a cpl uniform
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