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Status Updates posted by cuzzicann

  1. @JesseServer 3 has crashed like 3 times today. Just in case you didn't know 

    1. Toasty


      cAN conFIRM thi s is an ONGoing PROblem

  2. One of these is broken... :/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_yHB0GECDI


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. drama


      Lmao howwwww

    3. cuzzicann


      No fucking clue. It just like insta killed my hummi

    4. Genghis Khan

      Genghis Khan

      Its the sting for sure. I always get taized by deputies, No other. There is actually a corporal using one right now as I type this.  

  3. My 2nd attempt at a montage how is it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLeaGHtE7oM&feature=youtu.be


    1. Sociopathic
    2. Matt Black

      Matt Black

      The other videos on your channel are super funny 

  4. Tman obstructing my freedom of speech... https://gyazo.com/d27343a1a8034c21057b94a49a15e19f

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. cuzzicann


      Josh, please for the love of god take whatever it is that got crammed up your ass. I don't know if you're in a bad mood or what, but I didn't post this specifically for you. Just please stop it's unnecessary, we all have opinions and the right to share them w/o being bullied for them. Thanks.

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Remember. Anything outside of Kavala, you are probably just getting robbed since you are out just making money so to speak. There isn't much RP with that. Although I do remember back then with Tree and PcP. We had good sessions of RP, even with civilians. 

      I guess people lost the lust and love for the RP and just want to fight now. Let's face it, Arma is getting old and people just move onto doing different things to keep themselves entertained. That's better than an empty server. 


    4. cuzzicann


      incorrect... "hands up or die" is simply initiation not role-play

  5. @Talindor  http://i.imgur.com/Ou87eAp.png PcP never ended, Arma 3 isn't the only game out there :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Big B

      Big B

      He did take that at like 5am... Not saying we have a lot of members but we don't just let random scrub lords join.

    3. cuzzicann


      It's a group of friends that have all been playing for over 3 years... the channels you see in there are the members. You don't have to be in a large "gang" on olympus to play it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Joel


      6 hours ago, Sociopathic said:

      Actually, I returned my 980 Ti to Amazon and got this instead, basically upgraded for free

      I was gonna buy a 980 Ti off Amazon the other day because it was 50% off... I still plan to upgrade what do you think is better saying you had both and the 1080 is obviously better, but performance wise? 

    3. cuzzicann


      I'm pretty sure the texture bug has to do with your Hard Drive that Arma 3 is saved onto... if majority of the hard drive is full and you barely have any space left I heard it causes more problems... I cleaned up mine and I haven't had that bug since...  (this is what I was told by someone else tho so I have no clue if it is accurate or not)

    4. Sociopathic


      I have this on my SSD, and it has around 30-50gbs free

      I know that isn't the case, because when I was running on integrated graphics, I would texture bug multiple times a day, with my 1080, I've texture bugged twice, with my 980 ti, I texture bugged once every other week, sometimes once a week. 

  6. When you try and rescue/recover your gang mates heli...

    1. Peta


      combat log?

    2. cuzzicann


      personal error... not combat log.

  7. Thank you peter :) 





    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ham


      Wut the hell am I watching?

    3. Not Important
    4. Ham


      If you look closely, you can see that the cos aren't actually moving their heads. O_o 

  9. When You Have 0 Bullets, 


  10. According to player stats I'm wanted for rape?! https://gyazo.com/a04a34426ca2d19cd16c49f7a36f6b31

    1. Josh Tombstone

      Josh Tombstone

      Insta jail you disgusting person! No means No!

    2. Marty


      I'm wanted for 172 rapes

    1. Brennan
    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      Nice one bro! Congratz

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Congrats Cuzzi!, Although I have no idea what I'm looking at. I bought CSGO for $7.00 and I still haven't played it. Meh. The formula is still the same after more than 10 years. 

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      That looks like something that will steal my steam account.  FK YO DODGEY LINKS

    2. cuzzicann


      Lol have you never used iFunny the mobile app? You're a noob Gary

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. cuzzicann


      Thomas! God dammit I told you $600 reduction off of a $1.4mil ticket is not a deal! lol

      Plus now I can RP with people :D

    3. Snake


      Riveting Altis Life gameplay.


      I dont know why anyone hasnt ever suggested a significant reduction in jail times on Olympus? 

    4. cuzzicann


      Omg i know right... personally i don't feel that a 1 million dollar bounty is that large considering some of the other bounties I have seen out there :/ Which must suck getting arrested for them

  11. Livestreamin MGSV rn :) twitch.tv/cuzzicann

  12. Not that anyone cares but I am streaming Metal Gear Solid V on twitch rn :) http://www.twitch.tv/cuzzicann

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I would have seen it but I didn't read this until now.  I'm gonna stream Viva Piñata, I'm gonna be famous! 

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