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Ven nom nom nom

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Everything posted by Ven nom nom nom

  1. https://steamcommunity.com/id/WeebVenom
  2. Welp time to bring zip ties ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. How much would you buy a 3 crate for not really looking to sell but for the right price I would I didnt read the post right lmao
  4. 500k and its a deal
  5. Looking to get 650k for it Heres a ss if anyone wanted one
  6. @Big Mon
  7. Everyone in your gang would gain 5 warpoints that is around the cap 200m of cap. This can only Happen once a restart. ???
  8. I only have the garage
  9. I have a dp 22 garage s3 650k
  10. trying to keep under budget also it is personal preference airflow > aesthetics
  11. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/FcbyCb get a i5 8600k kamikaze is a n3rd
  12. What server?
  13. I have a dp23 3 crate if you are interested
  14. 800k
  15. I have a garage close to there if you are interested on server 2
  16. Post offers below don't pm thanks
  17. time for bed
  18. just went on the market I bought it
  19. What server?
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