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Everything posted by Hunter

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunter


      @Thick Mans just found the clip man when browsing shit was a F tho

    3. Sho-Time
    4. monster


      kids dont understand they dont need to push the vigi lmao.

  1. @Zahzi can i get the script for t4 on a hummingbird?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      10 hours ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Confirmed Zahzi is a scripter.  Can't believe you fell into such an easy trap, easiest ban of my life.


      no one bans DB

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you post my IP I'll give you 5 millions pristine Olympus dollars right now.

    4. Hunter


      @Silton post it no balls

  2. This would only effect poor players
  3. correct me if im wrong but if you survive 24 hours with a hit contract on you get the money?

    1. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      you dont but it would be cool and it could also be a way for people on restrictions to be given money

    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      i dont think atleast never used bountys

    3. Millennium


      the bounty just stays on you

  4. Buff runs sell price and increase process speed 

    1. Hunter


      it's stupid that a maxxed out hemmet box 1320 storage with backpack only makes 2,742,520 when you can burn threw that in a hour on olympus

    2. HooDi


      Idk where you got that from but when you fight cartels you blow money and that's all there is to do nowadays so sell price should be buffed

  5. the best defense is a good offense offense = DDOS can't lose a fight if you never have that fight XD @ThatNerdyGuy next time you get DDosed ddos them back
  6. Better do those comp requests XD
  7. I have no vendetta against you im just baffled how you lose a fight to people that have dogshit gear best offense is a good DDOS xd
  8. I have plenty of civil convos but im tired of having to deal with people like you think you are good your gang is dogshit go on a A&D server how are you losing against the APD with 10 fucking people with full gear 80% of the APD have a shit 6.5 and a cardboard vest so please stfu get better and stop bitching
  9. RIP is a isolated case becuse the APD require using the tools at there disposal to beat there numbers but from what i have heard you guys match RIP in numbers yet lose to the APD even when they are not stacking armour or hawks so please STFU stop bitching you are dogshit at the game and your dogshit gang needs to go on A&D 3 gang members is heavy gang activity though not a lot of gangs have more then 3-4 people online at once
  10. idfk no issue with a HAWK patrolling are you allowed to encourage people to go after archtype? Don't ban me it's a meme
  11. @ThatNerdyGuy please explain to him what heavy gang activity is
  12. Responding to heavy gang activity im going to use RIP as a example here they stack 15 people+ the APD should be able to pull a hawk on a group of people that are doing large rebel actives this includes running drugs a HAWK is a orca with guns the APD can not use unless several criteria are met
  13. The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD Hunters and Striders) Must be sent a text to land or park and given 10 seconds to comply. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a red zone) If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation, any Sergeant and above may decide to return to the situation guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force. If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it. The “guns hot” call must come from a Senior APD involved in the situation. Ghosthawks mirror the “guns hot” activity of other hawks. A Ghosthawk may be authorized "guns hot" within the federal event's anti-air circle after bomb blows at a federal event in cases where civilians are holding the area without the intent to leave. Exception: Ghosthawks are authorized "guns hot" after bomb blows on illegal vehicles within the federal event's inner anti-air circle. If a server restart occurs while the hawk is guns hot, it may return guns hot. The Armed Huron is treated as a Ghosthawk. If an officer fires any weapon out of the back "ramp" of the Armed Huron prior to being fired upon, that Armed Huron may not go "guns hot". A Hawk may only initiate on a illegal vehicle or on a heli it may go guns hot if a person aims a RPG/titan at the hawk or exchanges fire with the hawk
  14. you most likely did not release them in a safe manner and killed them without them threatening you or you failed to heal or you failed to release them under 1km from a garage or failed to release them 1km of there restraint point
  15. So we are allowed to discuses the topic of DDOS but then they get a ddos perm? who banned and proof?
  16. Chapter 8: Hostage / Player Robbing Hide contents A player may be taken hostage for 15 minutes, after which they may choose to stay up to another 15 minutes or leave. Do not kill players in restraints You cannot restrain someone outside of a redzone and then bring them into a redzone just to kill them. This is also FailRP. Exception: You may kill players that do not follow reasonable demands (For example, "be quiet or die" is acceptable, but playing "simon says" or asking for the alphabet backwards is not.) After a hostage situation/robbery the player must be unrestrained and released in a safe manner and also either within 1 kilometer of a garage or 1 kilometer from their point of restraint. Player must also be healed/not limping If you rob a player you may not hold them for ransom and vice versa. You may not take the same person hostage more then once every 30 minutes. Exception: If that person initiates engagement first and commits a hostile action towards you after taking them hostage and before the 30 minutes is up, then you may take them hostage again. This does not include the APD. APD members outnumbered 3 to 1 with guns clearly pointed at them need to surrender and abide by the hostage rules. Exception: APD members playing the role of hostage negotiator may not be taken hostage before/during hostage negotiations. Members of the APD may not be restrained or excessively tased at Federal Reserves, Blackwater, Jail, or Pharmaceutical/Bank events. Not once does it state you must release someone right after robbing them you may keep them for the 15 mins Chapter 9: Vigilante Hide contents Vigilantes are no exception to the law. They must also follow the server rules regarding RDM, VDM etc. Vigilantes are not required to announce before shooting in red/illegal zones. The difference between a Vigilante and a Civilian is only that they can place a wanted player in jail. You are still able to do illegal activities, if caught, you will be dealt appropriately by the APD. Consult the APD Handbook and the APD Ticket Guide for more information. Players associated with “meta-gaming” while having a vigilante license may be subjective to receive administrative action. If a player has been a victim of robbery or murder, that player may not return to seek revenge and send him/her to jail. You may not follow a player around who is breaking the law and continue to collect the bounty on them over and over. Example a player is placed in jail, you or a member of your group break them out only so you can place them back into jail over and over. You may not group with a player and allow then to build a bounty just to collect on it in the end. You may not exchange/receive any form of monetary compensation in relation to sending a player to jail. Do NOT abuse the vigilante license. Do NOT send players to jail with less than $75,000 bounty. Do NOT take a wanted player, that is already restrained, away from another Vigilante and then send them to jail unless the Vigilante has asked you to. Do NOT pull players out of vehicles if a player is not wanted. Do NOT send people from your own gang to jail. You may NOT rob a wanted player and then place them in jail for a bounty. This includes members of your party as well. Vigilantes that repeatedly down another player without justifiable cause will be considered RDM and will be dealt with via administrative action. Downing a player to keep them down cause you have no zip ties is RDM. If you are robbing a player outside the vigilante role it must be RP'd as normal. Downing a player with a bounty before announcing yourself is RDM (Side chat is not considered announcing). Downing a player with a bounty that is running away from you after announcing yourself is NOT RDM. Vigilantes can simply be put as “forces that have been rejected, denied or have yet to be accepted to the Police Force to serve justice in Altis Life”. However, they are not cops. Hence, they are only authorized to act upon subjects that have a $75,000 bounty or higher on their head. You do NOT enforce laws, that is an officers job. Vigilantes may not have their weapons out in main cities just like any other Civilian. If a APD member asks a vigilante to holster their weapon, they must comply or potentially face a ticket from the APD. Vigilantes should never attempt to arrest an APD Detainee. If APD ask for assistance that is fine but do not run into an area yelling "I'm a vigilante" and attempt to arrest someone the officer is dealing with. If you are escorting a player with a bounty and an officer asks you to stop, you need to stop and explain what you are doing. Officers can NOT take the wanted player away and attempt to ticket or send the player to jail if you have captured the wanted player(s) in the appropriate manner. If you are wanted the APD may process you and if you refuse to pay your ticket the APD may then process all wanted players accordingly. If you restrain a wanted player you are required to; Let the player know what they are wanted for. Let the player know their bounty amount. Let the player know you will be sending them to jail. Take the player to the jail transport located at all Vigilante outposts. It states in the prossesing you must let them know what they are wanted for tell them there bounty amount and tell them you will be sent to jail it is brain dead easy
  17. allow DPI and exploting on cartels please and thanks

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hunter


      @ThatNerdyGuy no point in keeping it against the rules people do it all the time

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      Well, if we don't get a report we can't ban for it. Anyways, this might be the dumbest thing I've heard today. However, the day is young.

    4. Evannnnn


      i agree with exploiting to an extent but fuck dpi

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