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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. @Ryan Happy birthday

  2. how much for all the Mxs and all the typ115s and all the t5 vests?
  3. change the sofia black market you can't get into main building apart from a single door

    1. Horizon


      whats wrong w that

    2. Hunter


      @Horizon it's impossible to push

    3. Horizon


      its quite easy to push

  4. @Ryan Teach this man how to be a jew
  5. Pissing is a hostile action

  6. Give Civs t4 vests for war points 


    1. silver


      civs already have t4 vests

  7. was always funny seeing hadi scream at deputies for RDMing him
  8. now back to the main subject at hand @Solomon and @SnackaT need to go read the rules you fucking spastics thanks ryan
  9. stfu retard learn the rules well enough to skirt them
  10. I feel bad for the fucking staff that have to deal with these retarded fucks
  11. im not wasting my time on your 20 min+ video because your a retard that can't follow basic fucking rules
  12. no it's because i'm tired of arguing with spastics like you guys that can't follow FUCKING SIMPLE RULES
  13. stop defending your butt buddy no point in watching the entire vid you rdmed clear as day in the end guys if they do not have tags just intiate it takes less then a second to say hands up or be shot to be clear to avoid this mess
  14. you rdmed him plain and simple don't come here complaining
  15. The vigi storing feature is not worth it at all

  16. Why the pilot covs tho was funny af tanking 3-4 mk1 bullets and 2 tapping them
  17. give civs the carrier rig for War points 

  18. @Headless for admin best mod currently 

    1. evannnn


      facts hes unbanned me like 10 times

  19. cartels were dead ZZZ

    1. silver


      said the 'rippers' member at 5 am 

    2. Hunter


      we got a good fight on s1 nobody on s2 tho 😞 @silver

    3. Hunter
  20. it just me having trouble staying over 30 mil?

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I've never had this problem.

    2. Noahhh!


      Just make a gang and then yoink all the gang funds a month in. ezpz egg no re

  21. Your not toxic your entitled to your opinion
  22. https://gyazo.com/73faa3bdd7cbda36d7c81aea74c8c19b
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