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Status Replies posted by Hunter

  1. Y'all tryna simulate Biden's presidency with these increased house refreshing fees forreal.

  2. Does insurance still work on an offroad AT if we still have insurance on the vehicle from pre insurance change? 

    1. Hunter


      @ monster  Mb think I got it confused with being able to sling ATs 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  3. Yesterday, my beautiful wife gave birth to our daugter, little Carolina 🙂 She was born weighting 4 kilograms and 200 grams, or 9.2 pounds. Hope everyone's lives are also doing good

  4. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ buckie Making random statements about national debt and how the US obtains debt which the vast majority is owned by private citizens through the buying of government bonds which is how the US central bank acquires new money to use. 

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  5. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ swrvy The US spends the most per capita on healthcare out of any country 11,072 is the per capita for the US the UKs is 4653. Are healthcare is a inefficient mess due to it being a hybrid of parasitic insurance companies. The US ranks 40th in life expectancy the UK 25th. You attempting to blame the problems of are insurance companies on immigrant is plain zenophobic and it shows that you don't actually care that the system is broken and would rather stir up anti immigrant sentiment. The reason drugs are expensive is there is no price control even though it is not getting more expensive to produce and there are limitations on importing generic versions of the drugs that are much cheaper. The fact you believe most medical professionals would quit there job is deluded they're still payed a significant salary and no country that has a universal health care system has dropped it to switch to the inferior US model. 


    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  6. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ buckie It's not politicians that decide where businesses move to they make there decision based on labor cost, laws, and a myriad of other factors and you're obviously referring to the manufacturing industry which the US still has parts of the supply chain where it's economically viable so the seller can avoid import tariffs. A labor force that has the necessary skills will attract investment where economically viable.

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  7. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ swrvy  I fail to see how any of what I said is about punishing home owners or people that are employed? The economy benefits from a healthier population and a better educated population which results in a more skilled labor force. So you would prefer tax dollars go to corporates subsidies instead of education and a healthier population? When I talked about income vs property tax you seem to not understand one applies to location which causes small areas to have good schools to the mass determent of the rest of the area where based on income tax modal it allows a more predictable income stream for education and removes the geographic limiter and raises overall school quality thus giving a compounding dividend that positively effects the labor force and economy thus increasing labor that is skilled and increasing the tax base. 

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  8. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ swrvy  The claim by the NYP has been disproven. "

      There is nothing illegal about sitting on a board of a company whilst family members serve in government.

      Hunter Biden's lawyers said in statement in October 2019 that he had undertaken "these business activities independently. He did not believe it appropriate to discuss them with his father, nor did he." " Bottom of BBC article. 

      If you read what I said I stated that property taxes as a means to fund schools is inefficient and makes the range of school quality vary significantly where basing it on income tax allows for better quality schools overall.  

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  9. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      @ buckie There is no connection between Beijing and Biden. One is a city another is a person. You mean by "leftist propaganda" is the truth that right-wing media attempts to refute by lying to their gullible base. Society and the economy benefit from universal healthcare due to lower expenses due to bulk buying for a population, resulting in a healthier population that can work more efficiently and healthier. Education is controlled mainly on the county, and state levels, leading to discrepancies in what is taught and different learning models. Well, they're funded by property tax instead of income tax like most countries have, which allows a more even level of quality between schools. The government does not dictate science; they are informed of what the data says, which was collected through studies and tests, and the government makes policy decisions based on that and outside factors. 

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  10. Braindead biden boutta start world war 3. Mean tweets though right, you son of a bitch

    1. Hunter


      ^^^ Well I dislike Biden due to him being a shill for the MIC and special interest groups he is not intentionally trying to start ww3 nor is his mental facilities declining like Trump supporters like to claim. The qoute that Iceman posted never actually occurred for reference. Strongest is relative and we're not the best in the slightest the US leads the world in number of incarcerated people, defense spending, and people who believe angles are real. US ranks 38th in math 28th in science and 14th globally for education in the richest country in the world per capita. @ Iceman

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  11. Calling all CMR & MK14C users!!

    What's your 1 second click rate?


    Mine is 8


  12. damn yall staff are down bad rn taking down my posts cuz yall cant handle the truth🤣 someone doesnt like the first amendment😡

  13. Merge the servers 


  14. We are working on the issue with the Workers Pro License, Vigi License & Rebel License being given to some individuals.

  15. PC cases for mid and full tower?

    1. Hunter


      My suggestion for a full tower case would be the 011 dynamic 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100010 01110011 01101001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101111 01101111 01101011 01110011 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101000 01110010 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110101 01110000

    convert for the message

  17. So im asking a fr question ik i usually shitpost but i need advice.


    About 5 months ago my second cousin raped my step sister. I have screenshots on snapchat of him admitting it and she took a rape kit after it happened. We reported it to the police and have never heard anything since. I dont know if its lack of communication with my step sister as i suspect because shes really nervous and scared to talk about it. Ive seen it eat at her these past months but she never wanted to commit on putting him in jail. Hes still free to this day. The kid destroyed my personal family and that girl mentally. I really have no clue how to handle the situation properly. I want him in jail.


    For anyone about to say it yes i went and beat the shit out of him the next day his parents didnt report it until they lawyered up after my step sister stopped communicating with the detectives and at that point he had healed any wounds so i never got charged. I really just dont know how to handle the situation since rapes such a touchy subject and i cant force her to report him nor do i even really feel comfortable talking to her about it.

    1. Hunter


      @sploding The reason the system is brutal is to stop people from making false accusations  and requires them to provide proof as we follow the innocent till proven guilty view. (I am not saying that rape is acceptable is it not.)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. @Ryan Shut down s2 everyone would rather have 1 full server then 2 half full servers.

  19. @Ryan Shut down s2 everyone would rather have 1 full server then 2 half full servers.

  20. @Ryan Shut down s2 everyone would rather have 1 full server then 2 half full servers.

    1. Hunter


      @Ryan Have staff open s2 when s1 is full not based on a specific time zone 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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