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SWAT Member
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Everything posted by virus

  1. Doesnt take a lot of skill to kill kids with t1/t2 vests that can only tase. It is also kind of difficult to push into 10 kids with 5x the gear you have and 5x the hours while most of the current POs/deps are casual players who probably dont even know what combat stance is. Also not sure if you should be the one telling other people its a skill issue...
  2. @ Mighty i didnt know they made leashes that tight

    1. Lea


      🤔 short.. Collars get tight, leashes get short my love 🧁🤓

  3. virus


    i fucking hate trannies
  4. 1m 20m behind gun store pm me
    1. TapTap


      Gonna need a bit more context, what am I 0-6 for?

  5. We can get a lil get together in teamspeak soon. Anyone is welcome.
  6. @ Mr GOAT how fragile must you be to get so upset at the mention of lil tortilla? 25 year old man btw. keep asking to get my posts deleted you freak
  7. 09e497bcc6e8ddae9aced23d82383f8d.png

    APD Ready, @ Winters  we need an unblacklist for @ i chop hatchbacks  @ Siltonious Milton II  @ Greenbum

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      don't think the apd could handle it

    3. bummm


      God dang straight. @ Winters  it's been far too long. We payed the price for our actions and we are reformed. If you would like to have a meeting with the enterprise, one can be arranged. 

    4. bummm


      I think I should be a designer even though I know nothing. @ ASSPEN said he would teach me everything I need to know.

  8. b063318f1d0afae884691db3c82cc1ac.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Doof



    3. CocoisDead


      its true i got raped 😞 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Trigger discipline on point tho

  9. No more non-tracer LMG mags. People actually have to aim and not just hold left click for 100 shots with no way of being found. Plus with most people having granits have fun trying to roach with 5.56.
  10. remove altis from conq map pool 

  11. mission accomplished 😎 @ Ron

  12. Ronald is still not corporal. 😡 #RONFORPERMCORP

  13. #RonForCorp


  15. have gw titles been added?

    1. Millennium


      Its only on TS

      oh wait um dumb nvm

    2. NexIV


      lmao millennium

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