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i win

Retired Head Civilian Council
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Blog Comments posted by i win

  1. Roundtable summary 2020-03-01

    2 hours ago, Scold said:

    Pure’s idea came from his former gangmates 🤨

    Great, exactly how the civilian council is designed to work. Community members suggest the idea, council members advocate for the idea, idea gets implemented. We started @ing those who advocate for the ideas so there was some responsibility attached.

  2. Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

    14 minutes ago, ShoTime said:

    I'm quite interested in the stats from "fed season" when there were feds going on every day @Mr Majestic?

    For the first DB fed season we had a win rate of 85% overall I think, with a win streak in the mid 40s or something. I know this stat sounds insane, but remember we were occasionally 35 players deep, had Ghosthawks crusing around, AT offroads blasting, RPGs blasting, titans blasting and we were using all the BW gear we got at the events. There were points where I died with a Zafir and didn't even care because I'd get one within two BWs and would have it for the next 10.

    The BWs and Feds aren't easy, far from it, but we encourage stacking on both sides and it sucks for everyone.

    19 minutes ago, ShoTime said:

    I'm just saying, most times(but not all) lethal's being deployed is a sign that the APD is loosing the fight and while i agree it sucks that lethal splitting was removed(coming from someone with lethals) it also sucks loosing fights.

    Yeah I'm not buying the lethals deployed as a sign of APD losing a fight. I lost track of how many times I was told to "just die" when corporals wanted to get lethals going second wave.

  3. Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

    19 minutes ago, SystemChips said:

    Instead of making cops want to do banks yall just made civs not want to do them either LUL. Great moves boys keep the updates coming. At least should have done @Mr Majestic idea and give them a closer spawn.

    This was a sticking point for the APD, sadly no matter what arguments we used a closer spawn wasn't going to be "allowed" by them. I think the bank encouraged larger gangs too much, the income obtainable was far too close in value to a fed while also being quite easy. Now hopefully the 15 man gangs spamming banks will take another look at feds. 

    There are still unique ways civs can complete banks, we can't balance for them all but certainly the quickly leaving in orcas with very little risk is curtailed. 

  4. Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

    @Dicky check out the extra adjustments we just made, we'll see what happens after this I guess.

    33 minutes ago, Monks said:

    In my opinion they need to add a cop limit to how many can attend feds and BWs. So maybe like 12 can be attending a fed at once and 16 can attend BW at once. But i've been countered about this saying higherups will just make deputys and PO's leave so they can attend it. So if you wanted to follow up on that make sure its first dibs gets to attend.

    Yeah unfortunately all the civs will do then is bring more than they have. This already happens a lot of the time and we shouldn't have to balance things with numbers like that.

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  5. Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

    6 minutes ago, Dicky said:

    Like I said earlier, what’s keeping them from just filling each of their inventories up with money bags and leaving in an orca.

    You're not putting 300 money bags in your pockets man, they weigh quite a lot.

    Here's the thing with money bags, they get sold eventually, these stats are from the entire month. I'm pretty confident they're not being stored for multiple months.

    If it's still a problem and the bags being sold is still too much, we're going to look at it again. This isn't a one and done type thing. Remember civilians are winning exactly one event right now, the bank. I get it's not ideal for you, but try being a civilian trying to do a BW or a fed right now. I bet they feel the same way when they see 18 cops login vs 8 dudes, I know I do.

    Lets let it play out a little bit, if more major changes need to happen I can assure you we'll hit it again. We're after balance for everyone, just because we represent civilians doesn't mean we want to walk all over the APD, a lot of us are cops too.

  6. Roundtable summary 2020-01-27

    44 minutes ago, Dicky said:

    When 82% of the bombs (According to Zahzi)  blow at bank, which means that the APD only stopped 18% of bombs from blowing, the best way to stop the overpowered bank is not attempting to stop them from flying away in an Orca, its to rethink the design of the bank. Cops, especially PO and Deputy, need a chance in this fight. Give us a way to get on that damn roof.

    There is an important stat you're missing, the percentage of money bags that are actually sold, it's currently 59%. The idea is with this change the money bags are going to need to be driven out, think of it like a really expensive pharma at that point. The APD, of all ranks, will be able to engage and deal with the civilians in the normal way on the ground. This doesn't mean we wont make further changes later on, but right now we're going to test this out and see what happens.

    There are no waves, so you can sit back and wait if you don't want to feed the meat grinder, that's entirely upto you.

    31 minutes ago, Monks said:

    Personally i think i very big change would be to move PD closer and maybe have a map waypoint showing which bank is being robbed so cops actually know which one to go after.

    We suggested this too, and we couldn't come to an agreement so this change is what we came up with instead. I believe we're going to show which vault is being robbed anyway.

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  7. Roundtable summary 2019-12-22

    1 hour ago, Frog Legs said:

    bruh why the hell are bones that match the color of the ground still how you find combat loggers. Why don't you change it to something that isn't the same depressing color as the rest of the map. Make it like bright green or something, it doesn't make sense why are we giving people who are breaking the rules a fair chance?


    not a vigi btw

    We suggested making them glow/smoke/something more obvious but it just seemed a little too out of place. You've got two minutes to find the guy now so unless the guy has 300 IQ and waits for you to go near water, you should find them anyway.

  8. Roundtable summary 2019-12-09

    4 hours ago, NokiaStrong said:

    Now that we potentially have people wanting to play less cop we should focus on civ buffs instead of apd nerfs. 
    you can put apd in the dirt but that doesn’t automatically make those players play civ. 
    constant apd nerfs can lead to players leaving because their favorite faction is completely weak and they don’t like civ. 

    im not saying I think this is a change in the wrong direction because I do think it’s a good change but instead for future ideas

    Civilian council isn't here to turn civilians into terminators - we're after fun, fair and balanced gameplay. We're making good progress with balancing the factions and restoring the general order of things - far from perfect, but we're getting there. Once we see some of the bigger features we've had in the pipeline for the past few months things can only improve further.

    Right now I'd love to see the focus on cartels and getting federal events back into the lime light. Personally I'd love to see the APD have some sort of federal event they can start and the civilians attack for once. Some sort of protect the VIP, gold transport or something along those lines.

    • Like 1
  9. Roundtable summary 2019-12-09

    43 minutes ago, SystemChips said:


    This is a fat yikes no cap

    @Mr Majestic

    I don't have anything to do with how your uniform looks man. I'm happy to take the credit (read: blame) for this, and while I think this is a good change (apart from the loss of aesthetics), this was a staff and sAPD thing. The civilian council has bought this up in the past, but this time around it was a staff thing and the sAPD agreed.

    Lets see what the designers do with uniforms?

    • Like 1
  10. Roundtable summary 2019-12-09

    1 hour ago, sploding said:

    They're the ones who go to the negotiating table, so, when civ council brings up big nerfs in exchange for them getting new toys they don't think twice because they have no skin in the game. They can throw us under the bus all day because the changes never affect them negatively.

    While I disagree with your premise behind APD nerfs, I can assure you the civilian council takes into account how it will affect all ranks on the APD. We don't have sAPD on the council, but we do have Corporals, POs and Deputies. I feel like we use a wide variety of opinions when presenting a decision to the staff, and it's important to remember that's how it works. We don't do things in an echo chamber and ultimately the staff has full control over what gets added to the servers.

    However, I've mentioned this before to others that it is a little strange that both the whitelisted factions do not have any junior rank representation. While they were all obviously junior ranks themselves at one point, the game changes, the meta shifts and the playstyle of both factions will change over time. I feel junior ranks, in general, are in a unique position to offer their opinion and it should not be discounted.

    The civilian council for example handles this by recruiting individuals who have very few hours on the server, in addition to others with thousands of hours. Older players on the council (myself included) are sometimes stuck in their ways, they might already have a foothold and a far easier time than newer players. We feel it's very important to try and represent all players and their experience, not just a subsection of them.

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