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Everything posted by Monks

  1. swervy and big john tag teamed me when i was 15

  2. hatchbacks for mayor
  3. please bro i want to play olympus altis life please bro unban me bro

  4. praying to god i dont end up like  ̷g̷r̷a̷n̷d̷m̷a̷ ̷g̷a̷r̷y̷  jeffrey Epstein.

  5. I’m not scared of WWlll bc I stay strapped 😼


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      WOW @ Monks you have actually lost some weight.  Keep it up my guy =D

  6. Monks

    l8r sk8r

    maybe not but i can do it now tho
  7. Monks

    l8r sk8r

    No @? yeah your not invited to my minecraft themed birthday party buckaroo
  8. Millennium worst bc it felt right and hurricane best bc big boys stick together
  9. both bad options but ima go with john bc fuck hoez
  10. @sAPD guys ive been waiting like 11 months for someone to help me can someone please assist me? d482738dc3ecf1ad8e169839d1fcbdd4.png

  11. someone make a montage to bohemian rhapsody pls

  12. no @ frick you bud
  13. anyone staying up for the album 🙃

  14. What’s worse, a gay son or hoe daughter.

    1. NokiaStrong
    2. Fuzz^


      Hoe daughter fs

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      What about a gay hoe son? Man sucking more dick than Elton John and Lil Nas combined 

  15. if there is a +1 react now i feel its only fair that there be a -1 react as well

  16. Monks


    see you next week!
  17. No hbds for ya boy 😔

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Happy Birthday @ Monks   May your special day be filled with koolaid and ticktock? 

    2. Monks


      I mean I don’t use ticktock but cocomelon is on the table 😎

  18. You know the rules dont say anything against erotic rp on olympus

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. buckie


      how you think these goofballs be dating these fat chicks on this server

    3. buckie


      @ Chase-  ik ur joking but the sad fact is, that statement rings true in some of these no lifers 

  19. Alright debate settled, @ lvy is the new head civ council.

  20. @ Masoooooooooon for head civ council 

    1. Masonn
    2. Monks


      It's a democracy u have no choice now give me your command king

  21. All in favor to coup diamond drop raise your hand 👋

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