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Everything posted by Monks

  1. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/ > player report
  2. https://www.twitch.tv/riikentenkashie/clip/DeliciousPiercingApeSwiftRage?filter=clips&range=all&sort=time
  3. |TE| Noble
  4. HBD @Corporal Moob you and @DeadPool ever do that lan party?

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      ay lmao, cheers

      Also no, You can't hang out for with Deadpool for that long. Side effects may include:

      - Retardation

      - Urges to share "Stop the Steal" memes on facebook

  5. Monks


    o7 noob
  6. Monks

    T5 vest 750k

    You don't need a T5 vest when you lagswitch
  7. Pls do s2 or s3 

  8. Haven't played valorant t'll tonight, and tbh i made a mistake. The game is very, VERY fun imo. I'd say its better than cs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      There’s barely a recoil pattern. It’s random after like 7 bullets

    3. Kamikaze


      30 minutes ago, ooooooooo said:

      There’s barely a recoil pattern. It’s random after like 7 bullets

      the bloom pattern #1 reason why u will not catch me playing that game

    4. evannnn


      if you cant aim and like shooting at players that move at snail speed sure play valorant

      imo cs is better for competitive players that rely on aim and not abilities and dont want to be shot by a fuckin rocket and die instantly

  9. was a vigi for 600 hours
  10. 8fd81cb87eeb6caecebeeef5cc798f11.png
    RIP @Forester 

    1. Forester


      TSS on top, all of spacemovie knew i was cheating #ban the gang

    2. Jerrod
    3. CaloomClark


      Well i knew it when you sold me 150wps a day my guy

  11. Monks

    What's up

    Bro I think you got the wrong server lol
  12. Make a general inquiry in the support section and explain your issue, give them both of the brothers player ID's and staff will figure it out
  13. ran out of money at conq, log on cop to make money and get 3 to 1ed before leaving hq. cant afford new gear, real sad boy hours right now 😔

    1. Rafa


      Get somebody to buy you a sting. And work from there lol 

      ive been there

    2. Forester


      i would like to donate 1 million dollars to this young man

  14. Senior staff member @Jig wtf go crazy

    Best designer on the server ngl

  15. You also dont have minimum hours to put in per week, more rules to follow, you dont have to do tests, trainings, sapd meetings, staff meetings, paperwork, you don't have to discipline anyone who breaks a rule.
  16. Olympus Gang [WUK] Its official, we have a gang of mental asylum patients.
  17. They gave you the rule last night?
  18. Olympus Gang: Wukio k
  19. Thats your fault not ours
  20. Your... Just... Wrong. Medic's in the past 3 months have gotten flare guns, firefighter uniforms, different assorts of helis, even a whole new fucking rank. What else do you want medics to have? Guns???
  21. Damn bruh you really heated over this huh?
  22. You do understand they invested thousands of hours of their time to get that rite?
  23. So let me get this straight, Noahhh mowing down some kids cement run with a staff spawned ghawk > cops having a legitimate gunfight with civs over illegal drugs
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