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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Ended up adding another house to my minecraft sanctuary. Will keep updated if i add more
  2. No sadly
  3. Can we have a #Nerdy4Chief chain real quick?

  4. Just made a minecraft house. Do you like it?
  5. +1 on toilet paper dealer at noble gang shed
  6. The server got shidder
  7. Just buy the tasers off cops duh
  8. New fone who Odin?
  9. Just found this and i thought i should share 


  10. 101,500
  11. Monks


    Ill give it 3 weeks before your unpermed
  12. Can we make a MMM similar to KKK but instead its medic munching mongaloids
  13. o7. Don't get the corona!
  14. Ngl frankie you used to be a pretty known and respected member of the community but you kinda fucked it by shitposting and beefin with richard. Like youve worked yourself up to be more disliked than me, and thats saying somethin.
  15. An in progress rp server which denied my shitty sAPD app soooo terble server ZZZzzz
  16. Giveaway papi
  17. 4 dollars and some bacon
  18. Monks

    Fuck Ivy

    She rejected me when i asked her to be my valentine -1 Said i was a "minor" whatever that means
  19. checkmate atheist
  20. There are alot of changes which don't "need" to happen. Just a easy QoL change ya know?
  21. As the head of the Forums Police Department i request you move this to the "Suggestions and Feedback" tab. Have a good day!
  22. I'm officially closing this post down to any further replies as this is getting out of hand. Unfortunately the FPD has not gotten its government funding yet but just don't talk in here anymore.
  23. FRANKIE! That is a very mean word. I'm gonna let you off with a warning until further notice. I hereby declare myself has FPD or Forums Police Department and I am here to eliminate any and all toxicity. Just remember, I'm always watching.
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