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Everything posted by lvy

  1. can i get staff now? 🙄

  2. soooooooo i heard ur head civ council huh and a designer?

  3. idk whooooo said the server dead, been tryin 30 mins to get in like bruh

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CIA JOSH
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ Administrator Millennium That is not proper behaviour for an upstanding member of the Olympus Mecca for Gamer staff.  Please report to my dungeon for another round of conditioning.

      No lube this time. 

    4. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Of course, how could I be so naive and irresponsible


      Only a buffoon would forget to capitalize the first letter of a new sentence

      Thank you @ Grandma Gary  for highlighting the error of my ways 

  4. CONGRATS!!!!!!!! @ Pancake  you really do deserve it 🙏

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Weaz


      My favorite screenshot of the year. 🤡

    3. Millennium


      @ CocoisDead  looks like @ Weaz is trying to finesse your lady!

    4. CocoisDead
  5. poached??? @ HeadLESS
  6. I know what he did, it wasn't good and you don't wanna know... its best to keep it under closed doors, can't have that type of information getting out @ Sho-Time
  7. i didnt see his name thats what im sayinnnn' and there could be a disable button if someone doesnt want it
  8. who would do that?
  9. Add the cell phone feature to Olympus, imagine have fun it would be to call people on the server. It could be a good way to bring people together and make friends. It totally wouldn't be toxic either. Thoughts? Second, who is the BEST sAPD member, vote wisely. Third, eggs?
  10. @ lukie  CONGRATS!!!!!!!!  proud of you 🙏

  11. one day yall want us banned the next day yall begging us to come back, pick one! lmaoo
  12. You are so obsessed with Silla.
  13. we will be looking forward to it this next update, thank you.
  14. wheres my admin promotion? 😒

    1. Millennium


      Shit, we made the race quota, now we just missing the gender quota.

      @ Mike Lit  its time to become trans, or else we have to promote ivy.

  15. @ Bloodmoon  wanna go to red burger sometime? 😏 

  16. A few updates ago, it was decided by someone to remove the black tempest skin and keep the 2 camos. The problem is that also everyone used the black camo because you can put a material over it since it was a solid color. Now all we have is these 2 camo colors which look ugly over any material. I recommend having 1 camo and 1 solid color. Thank you. BRING BACK THE BLACCCCK TEMPEST SKIN !!!!!!
  17. It will be interesting to see what the community thinks about this upcoming Gang Wars this Sunday. VOTE!!!
  18. lvy

    New Merch

  19. Just like gang uniforms are 10$ a month, there should be a separate thing where gangs can pay like 5/10$ a month for a gang title 

    1. lvy


      Also, there should be a separate donation where people can buy a custom title cuz i would buy it, idk lol

    2. Brandyn


      yeah its called founders circle, just donate 1000$ 

    3. lvy


      yea  totally realistic @ Brandyn Barker

  20. fr, the old one was great
  21. who changed the text when you lose a bet, it puts your name first? the amount of times i thought i won... 

  22. @ Diamond_drop Congratulations!!!!!!🎉

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