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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Merry Christmas Everyone :P


  2. Do you play while standing up
  3. I would get a WAY better cpu cooler than that, if you're gonna have a i7-6700K, I would definitely get something better than a Hyperr 212. Especially if you're planning on overclocking it at all, that wouldn't be the best for your cpu seeing that I've seen CPU's fry cause of shit like this.
  4. wtf. My school district never has givens us days off like that.
  5. Still in school? I've been on break for like 4 days now
  6. When it takes Bohemia 3 years to realize that they should really start focusing on 64 bit Arma 3

  7. @Rusty Happy B-Day dooooood

  8. Nope. Pretty sure you would be the type to pick some greasy ass mother fucker like Jimbo to have the title of "Best Shot"
  9. Many PC's don't need that much watts, anything over 600 technically is overkill. It's just good for your PC to have more watts available than just whats required.
  10. BENJI


    Bring back the down vote.....
  11. 1 Officer doesn't make an image of the entire APD....
  12. BENJI


    Looks like hes trying to be a bird at the beginning
  13. You paid $25 for sergeant on Archetype and lost it......
  14. @Phizx Peter said on the Podcast the reward will be something "crazy", like 50 mil he said. But I wouldn't keep hopes up
  15. The texture bugs lately are ridiculous mang

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SystemChips


      So true, really never got any before the last update but now ive had like 5 today

    3. DeNiaL


      I got like 6 today


    4. SPBojo



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