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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Till this day I've never understood what any of your posts mean, and I still dont
  2. BENJI

    Bye Guys :)

    :'( It's sad to see all of the long standing members that were my friends leave the server. I've been with Olympus for 2 years now, and so many have gone. It's just a matter of time I guess. I found your voice a little bit annoying tbh , but it doesn't matter since you were prob the main person I talked to in a lot of the gangs that I was in. Hope to see you again sometime soon. Cya Ham
  3. Make Olympus Great Again!! Unban Rusty And 3 Rip!!
  4. This song brings back so many World At War Zombies Memories ;)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OSyKvO5wXjU


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Augustus



    3. Redmer


      All about that Bo1 Elena Siegman - 115 


    4. SystemChips


      it all comes back to me now. sitting on my couch playing black ops zombies all night with 3 other nerds in a xbox live party. oh god with those one earpiece headphone things that came with the xbox.

  5. There should always be 4 gates. Gate 4 is easy as fuck to defend and is difficult to push whether if you're a cop or not. Most of gate 4 is in the open. 3 Towers have eyes on you when you push through it. Gate 4 should stay. Just make it so that it takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds to repair it for cops. But make it so that the civs CAN'T stop the repair until the repair is complete
  6. Literally been getting DDOS'd everyday of the week for hours on end. FML!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      contact your isp. get a new ip

    3. Ventar


      Literally a simple fix, to be honest... The time it took you to make a status update you could have fixed the problem.

    4. QKSILVR73
  7. I was just giving him the most standard way to describe using a suicide vest, what area's you can use them in, and area's that you can NOT use them in. There's no specific way to RP having a suicide vest, and having your goal to be blowing the shit out of someone. You could say that you have Spontaneous Human Combustion and Exploding Head Syndrome, run into an HQ full of officers, make something up that would end up in some of them RPing, and have the ending be you setting it off. You could even run into HQ, and say that Russia is bombing the HQ, *slip on a suicide vest* and then go KABOOM! There's no specific way to RP a suicide vest. To RP a suicide vest you pretty much have to wing it or plan it before hand. But mainly you have to make it funny and enjoyable for groups.
  8. There is no engagement with Suicide Vests. You can only use them in terrors or in redzone's like cartels or drug plants and such. You aren't allowed to use them in cities or anywhere that isn't a redzone, but there are exceptions if RP is included and is performed right.
  9. Turn Signals! Restaurants you can go inside and eat at! 2 Armed AI that spawn at the entrance to the jail every restart that fire at rebels that have a gun! Small chance that your car breaks down! A 6% chance that you might have a heart attack randomly. Limit 1 every 7 days! When you fly over the fed or jail you here. YOU ARE ENTERING RESTRICTED AIRSPACE FLY OFF OR BE SHOT DOWN! A 5% chance that when you eat something you get food poisoning! The ability to put duck tape on peoples mouth! #APDTitans
  10. When the Olympus TS is getting ddos'd :/


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Don't worry I already sent a message to Fedot asking him to remove TS from his hitlist.

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      All that rain turned the mud into a super fun water slide!


    2. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      RIP when Gary turns exploits into RPable things.

  11. There are plenty of other reason's why people hate medic's, and trust me it's way more than it should be.
  12. Someone pretty much saying "I wish you would kill yourself". To be completely honest, you should pay attention to useless pricks in side. If they're the one's requesting revives and they're going crazy in said starting shit like that then just deny them services. Don't waste your time on the rats of the server.
  13. I know exactly what people are trying to tell me. And I don't agree with it. As I said for the thousandth time, Medics should give ETA's. Medics have been ignoring people's request for ETA's the longest time, and it's pretty fucking annoying. When I was still a medic, I was one of the very few who gave ETA's. It's makes no sense to me how I have to argue with people over the Forums about something as simple as typing a msg. Goes to show what the R&R has become. Not trying to be a dick, or act like a fucking moron. But that's what I'm getting from this. No need to flip shit about people wanting to get ETA's. And again for the thousandth time, the more Medics refuse to give ETA's and the more medics use the excuse "I don't have to give ETA's" the more the community gets pissed off.
  14. That's why you do it for everyone, unless its someone within like 500 meters
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